Wishing Quotes

Text Quotes
I never gave away anything without wishing I had kept it; nor kept anything without wishing I had given it away (Wishing Quotes)
I felt proud of them and happy for them as friends. But then I was, not jealous in a bad way, but I just was wishing I had been there... It did take me a while to accept that reality, but that’s over with now (Wishing Quotes)
We’re all taking on too much, we’re all asking too much of ourselves. We’re all wishing we could do more, and therefore just doing more (Wishing Quotes)
The point is that something I thought was perfect has been broken, and I’m having to find the beauty in what is there instead of what I thought was there. Like this shell. I can either spend all my time wishing it were perfect, trying to imagine it the way it was or might have been, or I can see how beautiful it is just like this (Wishing Quotes)
If you have it you don’t need it. If you need it, you don’t have it. If you have it, you need more of it. If you have more of it, you don’t need less of it. You need it to get it. And you certainly need it to get more of it. But if you don’t already have any of it to begin with, you can’t get any of it to get started, which means you really have no idea how to get it in the first place, do you? You can share it, sure. You can even stockpile it if you like. But you can’t fake it. Wanting it. Needing it. Wishing for it. The point is if you’ve never had any of it ever people just seem to know (Wishing Quotes)
Any place, then, can become a cemetery. All it takes is your body. It’s not fair, I think, and I get this petulant wish for ugly flowers and mourners, my mother’s old familiar grief. Somebody I love to tend my future grave. Probably this is the wrong thing to be wishing for (Wishing Quotes)
Every now and then we enter the presence of the numinous and deduce for an instant how we’re formed, in what detail the force that infuses every petal might specifically run through us, wishing only to lure us into our full potential (Wishing Quotes)
I think... the secret is to just settle for the shape of your life takes... Instead of you know, always waiting and wishing for what might make you happy (Wishing Quotes)
You can’t buy peace by just wishing it and avoiding the challenges that other nations present to you (Wishing Quotes)
Unwittingly, the feminists acknowledge the superiority of the male sex by wishing to become like men (Wishing Quotes)
A choice which confronts every one of us at every moment is this: Shall we permit our fellow men to know us as we now are, or shall we seek instead to remain an enigma, an uncertain quantity, wishing to be seen as something we are not? (Wishing Quotes)
I don’t do regrets. Regrets are pointless. It’s too late for regrets. You’ve already done it, haven’t you? You’ve lived your life. No point wishing you could change it (Wishing Quotes)
If we reason that we want happiness for others, not for ourselves, then we ought justly to be suspected of failing to recognize human nature for what it is and of wishing to turn men into machines (Wishing Quotes)
I dug myself a garden, and a stray cat I grew to like would come around to sulk in the corn. I forced myself to seek new love, and for a while, I thought I’d found it with a girl from my office. She was molten in my bed, but she also suffered depressions that were very dear to her. She would often call just to sigh at me for two hours on the phone, wanting me to applaud her depth of feeling. I cut if off, then missed her, wishing that I’d at least had the sense to take her naked photograph (Wishing Quotes)
How often I have tried to tell writing students that the first thing a writer must do is love the reader and wish the reader well. The writer must trust the reader to be at least as intelligent as he is. Only in such well wishing and trust, only when the writer feels he is writing a letter to a good friend, only then will the magic happen (Wishing Quotes)
I wondered what it does to each of us to spend the majority of our waking hours doings things we’d rather not do, wishing we were outside or simply elsewhere, wishing we were reading, thinking, making love, fishing, sleeping, or simply having time to figure out who the hell we are and what the hell we’re doing (Wishing Quotes)
If you’re 50, you’re never going to be 50 ever again, so enjoy being 50. If you sit through the year wishing you were younger, before you know it, it’s going to be over, and you’re going to be 51 (Wishing Quotes)
Style is all about your individual sense of how you want to present yourself to the world. It’s about loving what you’ve got instead of wishing for what you’re not (Wishing Quotes)
The sound of the sea, the curve of a horizon, wind in leaves, the cry of a bird leave manifold impression in us. And suddenly, without our wishing it at all, one of these memories spills from us and finds expression in musical language... I want to sing my interior landscape with the simple artlessness of a child (Wishing Quotes)
Stop wishing for things you complain you have not, and start making the best of all that you’ve got (Wishing Quotes)
By meditating on affectionate love and wishing love for just one moment we accumulate greater merit than we would by giving food three times every day to all those who are hungry in the world (Wishing Quotes)
I saw him... at peace in my armchair. I remember wishing he could stay in peace like that forever. I had a feeling of easing his burden with my strength (Wishing Quotes)
I found myself wishing that we could live like the birds and move through nature without hurting it our ourselves (Wishing Quotes)
I tasted huge success with my first album, and when it’s happening it feels like a roller coaster you can’t get off. You should be very careful about wishing for success on that scale (Wishing Quotes)
My desk is covered with talismans: pieces of rose quartz, wishing stones from a favorite beach (Wishing Quotes)
Lookin at herself, but wishing she was someone else because the body of the doll that don’t look like hers at all. So she straps it on, she sucks it in, she throws it up and gives a grin (Wishing Quotes)
Looking at himself, but wishing he was someone else. Because the posters on the wall, they don’t look like him at all (Wishing Quotes)
Even though I know how very far apart we are, it helps to think we might be wishing underneath the same bright star (Wishing Quotes)
I don’t think we ever really live in the present; instead, we’re either just this side of the past or future, wavering anxiously between anticipation and recollection. That’s where I lived my life, always wanting, longing, wishing (Wishing Quotes)
One of the great cosmic laws, I think, is that whatever we hold in our thought will come true in our experience. When we hold something, anything, in our thought, then somehow coincidence leads us in the direction that we’ve been wishing to lead ourselves (Wishing Quotes)