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To hold a man down, you have to stay down with him  (With Quotes) I want to get out with my greatness intact  (With Quotes) Great CEOs are not just born with shiny hair and a tie  (With Quotes) Walk with the knowledge that you are never alone  (With Quotes) I deal with haters on a daily basis  (With Quotes) Flirting is the act of making a man feel pleased with himself  (With Quotes) Rhetoric paints with a broad brush  (With Quotes) The space within becomes the reality of the building  (With Quotes) Any God I ever felt in church I brought in with me  (With Quotes) Books are a finer world within the world  (With Quotes) I could write six songs in one day with everything that's going on  (With Quotes) Start off everyday with a simple smile and get it over with  (With Quotes) There are no great things, only small things with great love.  (With Quotes) There's nothing wrong with anger provided you use it constructively  (With Quotes) Conflict cannot survive without your participation  (With Quotes) You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with  (With Quotes) Nothing is more unpleasant than a virtuous person with a mean mind  (With Quotes) If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull  (With Quotes) I'm not living with you. We occupy the same cage  (With Quotes) Never forget: We are alive within mysteries  (With Quotes) You deserve to be with somebody who makes you happy  (With Quotes) With you went so much of me  (With Quotes) Another year without you  (With Quotes) Spend your life doing strange things with weird people  (With Quotes) Always give without remembering. Always receive without forgetting  (With Quotes) Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing  (With Quotes) You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with  (With Quotes) I am friends with Demi. Don't believe anything you read  (With Quotes) Every moment I spend with you is like a beautiful dream come true  (With Quotes) My name sounds even cuter with your last name added to it  (With Quotes)
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