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Go for someone who is not only proud to have you, but will also take every risk and chance just to be with you  (With Quotes) God has a reason for allowing people to walk out of your life. Trust that he will replace them with someone even better  (With Quotes) If you wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful will happen, you'll often find that you are right  (With Quotes) I want to explore the world with two things in my hand, a camera on my left and his hand on my right  (With Quotes) Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers, the believers and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don't see it yourself  (With Quotes) Just remember one thing: God is with you. He will make everything right, at the right place, at the right time  (With Quotes) I could go on with my day and act like everything is okay. But as my life goes on it hurts more in every way  (With Quotes) You can choose to work with a heavy heart or with a light heart, but you still have to finish the work  (With Quotes) Who needs a boyfriend when you have a puppy that will cuddle with you all the time and give you a bunch of kisses  (With Quotes) And there will come a time, you'll see, with no more tears. And love will not break your heart, but dismiss your fears  (With Quotes) If you have an overbearing and controlling boyfriend or girlfriend I feel sorry for you, because you're dumb enough to put up with It  (With Quotes) A strong girl is a someone who can cry themselves to sleep at night and wake up with a smile on their face  (With Quotes) Nor do we accept, as genuine the person not characterized by this blushing bashfulness, this youthfulness of heart, this sensibility to the sentiment of suavity and self-respect. Modesty is bred of self-reverence. Fine manners are the mantle of fair minds. None are truly great without this ornament  (With Quotes) Sometimes me think, "What is friend?" and then me say, "Friend is someone to share the last cookie with"  (With Quotes) Intelligence. Not because you think you know everything without questioning, but rather because you question everything you think you know  (With Quotes) Anyone can make you smile, many people can make you cry, but it takes someone really special to make you smile with tears in your eyes  (With Quotes) Funny thing about a real woman. They don't need you. They want you. And if you start slacking, that can be content without you  (With Quotes) Don't judge a person without full understanding of the situation. Just because you don't agree, doesn't mean that you're right  (With Quotes) Some people choose to stay single simply because they are tired of giving everything and ending up with nothing  (With Quotes) Drama doesn't just walk into your life. You either create it, invite it, or you associate with people who love to bring it into your life  (With Quotes) What makes some people important is not just the happiness you feel when you are with them, but the pain you feel when you miss them  (With Quotes) Be with people who knows your worth. You don't need a lot of people to be happy, just a few who appreciate you for who you are  (With Quotes) The purpose of prayer is not to receive what you asked for, but to strengthen your relationship with God  (With Quotes) Love your parents and treat them with loving care, for you will only know their value when you see their empty chair  (With Quotes) This is not the first time in my life where you know going into a job that you`re going to hear in stereo what was wrong with what you did  (With Quotes) Ambition often puts Men upon doing the meanest offices; so climbing is performed in the same position with creeping  (With Quotes) Nobody before the Pythagorean had thought that mathematical relations held the secret of the universe. Twenty five centuries later, Europe is still blessed and cursed with their heritage. To non-European civilizations, the idea that numbers are the key to both wisdom and power, seems never to have occurred  (With Quotes) Laughter and weeping, the Greek masks of comedy and tragedy, mark the extremes of a continuous spectrum; both provide channels for the overflow of emotion; both are "luxury reflexes" without apparent utility. This much they have in common; in every other respect they are direct opposites  (With Quotes) Nature, not content with denying him the ability to think, has endowed him with the ability to write  (With Quotes) A city with one newspaper, or with a morning and an evening paper under one ownership, is like a man with one eye, and often the eye is glass  (With Quotes)
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