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Like bones to the human body, the axle to the wheel, the wing to the bird, and the air to the wing, so is liberty the essence of life. Whatever is done without it is imperfect  (With Quotes) Talent is a gift that brings with it an obligation to serve the world, and not ourselves, for it is not of our making  (With Quotes) To busy oneself with what is futile when one can do something useful, to attend to what is simple when one has the mettle to attempt what is difficult, is to strip talent of its dignity. It is a sin not to do what one is capable of doing  (With Quotes) Luck, bad if not good, will always be with us. But it has a way of favoring the intelligent and showing its back to the stupid  (With Quotes) Family life may be marked by exclusiveness, suspicion, and jealousy as to those without, and yet be a model of amity and mutual aid within. Any education given by a group tends to socialize its members, but the quality and value of the socialization depends on the habits and aims of the group  (With Quotes) Now in any social group whatever, even in a gang of thieves, we find some interest held in common, and we find a certain amount of interaction and cooperative intercourse with other groups. From these two traits we derive a standard  (With Quotes) Education in accord with nature was thought to be the first step in insuring this more social society. It was plainly seen that economic and political limitations were ultimately dependent upon limitations of thought and feeling  (With Quotes) It would be impossible to find a deeper sense of education in discovering and developing personal capacities, and training them so that they would connect with the activities of others  (With Quotes) We sometimes talk as if original research were a peculiar prerogative of scientists or at least of advanced students. But all thinking is research, and all research is native, original, with him who carries it on, even if everybody else in the world already is sure of what he is still looking for  (With Quotes) The difference between play and what is regarded as serious employment should be not a difference between the presence and absence of imagination, but a difference in the materials with which imagination is occupied  (With Quotes) Every subject at some phase of its development should possess, what is for the individual concerned with it, an aesthetic quality  (With Quotes) The problem of education in a democratic society is to do away with... Dualism and to construct a course of studies which makes thought a guide of free practice for all and which makes leisure a reward of accepting responsibility for service, rather than a state of exemption from it  (With Quotes) The intellect is at home in that which is fixed only because it is done and over with, for intellect is itself just as much a deposit of past life as is the matter to which it is congenial. Intuition alone articulates in the forward thrust of life and alone lays hold of reality  (With Quotes) The discovery that mass changes with velocity, a discovery made when minute bodies came under consideration, finally forced surrender of the notion that mass is a fixed and inalienable possession of ultimate elements or individuals, so that time is now considered to be their fourth dimension  (With Quotes) A house without books is like a room without windows. No man has a right to bring up his children without surrounding them with books, if he has the means to buy them. It is wrong to his family. Children learn to read by being in the presence of books. The love of knowledge comes with reading and grows upon it. And the love of knowledge, in a young mind, is almost a warrant against the inferior excitement of passions and vices  (With Quotes) A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron  (With Quotes) Lost - Yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever  (With Quotes) Much that we call evil is really good in disguises; and we should not quarrel rashly with adversities not yet understood, nor overlook the mercies often bound up in them  (With Quotes) Every hand and every hour should be devoted to rescue the world from its insanity of guilt, and to assuage the pangs of human hearts with balm and anodyne. To pity distress is but human; to relieve it is Godlike  (With Quotes) Many a man gets weary of clamping down on his rough impulses, which if given occasional release would encourage the living of life with salt in it, in place of dust  (With Quotes) Treat the other man's faith gently; it is all he has to believe with. His mind was created for his own thoughts, not yours or mine  (With Quotes) With some whose nerves have a deep covering of fat, happiness is less of a problem that it is an accident of anatomy  (With Quotes) It would be as natural for a full-grown tiger to mew as for a man released from the slavery of imitations ever to go back to his neighbor again with: What do you think of this? What do you advise about that?  (With Quotes) The rare individual who has learned to govern himself is too fed up with the labor of it to want to govern anybody else  (With Quotes) When it comes to sports I am not particularly interested. Generally speaking, I look upon them as dangerous and tiring activities performed by people with whom I share nothing except the right to trial by jury  (With Quotes) Never relinquish clothing to a hotel valet without first specifically telling him that you want it back  (With Quotes) Your responsibility as a parent is not as great as you might imagine. You need not supply the world with the next conqueror of disease or major motion-picture star. If your child simply grows up to be someone who does not use the word collectible as a noun, you can consider yourself an unqualified success  (With Quotes) If you removed all of the homosexuals and homosexual influence from what is generally regarded as American culture, you would pretty much be left with Let's Make a Deal  (With Quotes) Educational television should be absolutely forbidden. It can only lead to unreasonable expectations and eventual disappointment when your child discovers that the letters of the alphabet do not leap up out of books and dance around the room with royal-blue chickens  (With Quotes) If I'm gonna go down I'm gonna do it with style. You won't hear me surrender, you won't hear me confess cause you've left me with nothing, but I have worked with less  (With Quotes)
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