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If we opened our minds to enjoyment, we might find tranquil pleasures spread about us on every side. We might live with the angels that visit us on every sunbeam, and sit with the fairies who wait on every flower  (With Quotes) Honorable industry always travels the same road with enjoyment and duty, and progress is altogether impossible without it  (With Quotes) A fig-tree looking on a fig-tree becometh fruitful, says the Arabian proverb. And so it is with children; their first great instructor is example  (With Quotes) The path of success in business is invariably the path of common-sense. Nothwithstanding all that is said about lucky hits, the best kind of success in every man's life is not that which comes by accident. The only good time coming we are justified in hoping for is that which we are capable of making for ourselves  (With Quotes) Courage is by no means incompatible with tenderness. On the contrary, gentleness and tenderness have been found to characterize the men, no less than the women, who have done the most courageous deeds  (With Quotes) Time is of no account with great thoughts, which are as fresh to-day as when they first passed through their author's minds, ages ago  (With Quotes) Necessity is always the first stimulus to industry, and those who conduct it with prudence, perseverance and energy will rarely fail. Viewed in this light, the necessity of labor is not a chastisement, but a blessing, the very root and spring of all that we call progress in individuals and civilization in nations  (With Quotes) When I sound the fairy call, gather here in silent meeting, chin to knee on the orchard wall, cooled with dew and cherries eating. Merry, merry, take a cherry mine are sounder, mine are rounder mine are sweeter, for the eater when the dews fall. And you'll be fairies all  (With Quotes) His eyes are quickened so with grief, he can watch a grass or leaf every instant grow; he can clearly through a flint wall see, or watch the startled spirit flee from the throat of a dead man  (With Quotes) Take your delight in momentariness, walk between dark and dark - a shining space with the grave's narrowness, though not its peace  (With Quotes) One, two and many: flesh had made him blind, flesh had one pleasure only in the act, flesh set one purpose only in the mind - triumph of flesh and afterwards to find still those same terrors wherewith flesh was racked  (With Quotes) Entrance and exit wounds are silvered clean, The track aches only when the rain reminds. The one-legged man forgets his leg of wood, The one-armed man his jointed wooden arm. The blinded man sees with his ears and hands As much or more than once with both his eyes  (With Quotes) There is one story and one story only that will prove worth your telling, whether as learned bard or gifted child; To it all lines or lesser guards belong that startle with their shining such common stories as they stray into  (With Quotes) I am an old man with my bones very brittle, though I am a poor old man worth very little, yet I suck at my long pipe at peace in the sun, I do not fret nor much regret that my work is done  (With Quotes) If I were a young man and young was my lily, a smart girl, a bold young man, both of us silly. And though from time before I knew she'd stab me with pain, though well I knew she'd not be true, i'd love her again  (With Quotes) If I were a young man with my bones full of marrow, oh, if I were a bold young man straight as an arrow, i'd store up no virtue for heaven's distant plain, i'd live at ease as I did please and sin once again  (With Quotes) Hate is a fear, and fear is rot that cankers root and fruit alike, fight cleanly then, hate not, fear not, strike with no madness when you strike  (With Quotes) Cherries of the night are riper than the cherries pluckt at noon... In the cherry pluckt at night, with the dew of summer swelling, there's a juice of pure delight, cool, dark, sweet, divinely smelling  (With Quotes) The gorilla-slayer moved out into the glade. Massive, terrible, he was the personification of the primitive, the stone age. His mouth yawned in a red cavern of a grin; he bore himself with the haughty arrogance of savage might  (With Quotes) When I was a fighting-man, the kettle-drums they beat, the people scattered gold-dust before my horses feet; but now I am a great king, the people hound my track with poison in my wine-cup, and daggers at my back  (With Quotes) It is absolutely essential that the oppressed participate in the revolutionary process with an increasingly critical awareness of their role as subjects of the transformation  (With Quotes) Washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not to be neutral  (With Quotes) Discovering himself to be an oppressor may cause considerable anguish, but it does not necessarily lead to solidarity with the oppressed  (With Quotes) Critical and liberating dialogue, which presupposes action, must be carried on with the oppressed at whatever the stage of their struggle for liberation  (With Quotes) Attempting to liberate the oppressed without their reflective participation in the act of liberation is to treat them as objects that must be saved from a burning building  (With Quotes) Education must begin with the solution of the teacher-student contradiction, by reconciling the poles of the contradiction so that both are simultaneously teachers and students  (With Quotes) Implicit in the banking concept is the assumption of a dichotomy between human beings and the world: a person is merely in the world, not with the world or with others; the individual is spectator, not re-creator  (With Quotes) In problem-posing education, people develop their power to perceive critically the way they exist in the world with which and in which they find themselves; they come to see the world not as a static reality, but as a reality in process, in transformation  (With Quotes) Through dialogue, the teacher-of-the-students and the students-of-the-teacher cease to exist and a new term emerges: teacher-student with students-teachers  (With Quotes) Education as the exercise of domination stimulates the credulity of students, with the ideological intent (often not perceived by educators) of indoctrinating them to adapt to the world of oppression  (With Quotes)
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