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Write on my gravestone: infidel, traitor - infidel to every church that compromises with wrong; traitor to every government that oppresses the people  (With Quotes) The more I give myself permission to live in the moment and enjoy it without feeling guilty or judgmental about any other time, the better I feel about the quality of my work  (With Quotes) With the arrogance of youth, I determined to do no less than to transform the world with beauty. If I have succeeded in some small way, if only in one small corner of the world, amongst the men and women I love, then I shall count myself blessed, and blessed, and blessed, and the work goes on  (With Quotes) All blame is a waste of time. No matter how much fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him, it will not change you. The only thing blame does is to keep the focus off you when you are looking for external reasons to explain your unhappiness or frustration. You may succeed in making another feel guilty about something by blaming him, but you won't succeed in changing whatever it is about you that is making you unhappy  (With Quotes) Each person must decide for himself what he wants each day. As a leader, I will expose you to the options and the likely consequences of those options. I'll even share my opinion if asked, but I'll never confuse it with the opinion, which simply doesn't exist  (With Quotes) Anything that has been accomplished by any other human being in the physical realm is within the field of possibility  (With Quotes) Present-moment living, getting in touch with your now, is at the heart of effective living. When you think about it, there really is no other moment you can live. Now is all there is, and the future is just another present moment to live when it arrives. One thing is certain, you cannot live it until it does appear  (With Quotes) There is a big difference between thinking: I'm in a relationship and something's wrong. Therefore something must be wrong with the relationship. And thinking I'm in a relationship and we've got problems. This is evidence that you are different than me  (With Quotes) The greatest enjoyment possible to man was that which this philosophy promises its votaries-the pleasure of being always right, and always reasoning-without ever being bound to look at anything  (With Quotes) He believes, with all his heart and soul and strength, that there is such a thing as truth; he has the soul of a martyr with the intellect of an advocate  (With Quotes) History is strewn with the wrecks of nations which have gained a little progressiveness at the cost of a great deal of hard manliness, and have thus prepared themselves for destruction as soon as the movements of the world gave a chance for it  (With Quotes) The whole history of civilisation is strewn with creeds and institutions which were invaluable at first, and deadly afterwards  (With Quotes) A bureaucracy is sure to think that its duty is to augment official power, official business, or official members, rather than to leave free the energies of mankind; it overdoes the quantity of government, as well as impairs its quality. The truth is, that a skilled bureaucracy is, though it boasts of an appearance of science, quite inconsistent with the true principles of the art of business  (With Quotes) There is no life so humble that, if it be true and genuinely human and obedient to God, it may not hope to shed some of his light. There is no life so meager that the greatest and wisest of us can afford to despise it. We cannot know at what moment it may flash forth with the life of God  (With Quotes) Only the soul that with an overwhelming impulse and a perfect trust gives itself up forever to the life of other men, finds the delight and peace which such complete self-surrender has to give  (With Quotes) Rejoice, lest pleasureless ye die. Within a little time must ye go by. Stretch forth your open hands, and while ye live take all the gifts that death and life may give!  (With Quotes) No pillager or wrecker had been there; it seemed that time had passed on otherwhere, nor laid a finger on this hidden place rich with the wealth of some forgotten race  (With Quotes) And then the image, that well-nigh erased over the castle-gate he did behold, above a door well wrought in coloured gold again he saw; a naked girl with wings enfolded in a serpent's scaly rings  (With Quotes) Alas, alas! Another day gone by, another day and no soul come, she said; another year, and still I am not dead! And with that word once more her head she raised, and on the trembling man with great eyes gazed  (With Quotes) Drowsy I lie, no folk at my command, who once was called the lady of the land; who might have bought a kingdom with a kiss, yea, half the world with such a sight as this  (With Quotes) Ah! Wilt thou leave me then without one kiss, to slay the very seeds of fear and doubt, that glad tomorrow may bring certain bliss? Hast thou forgotten how love lives by this, the memory of some hopeful close embrace, low whispered words within some lonely place?  (With Quotes) Love is enough: have no thought for to-morrow if ye lie down this even in rest from your pain, ye who have paid for your bliss with great sorrow  (With Quotes) [of Charlie chaplin:] the son of a bitch is a ballet dancer.... He's the best Cballet dancer that ever lived... And if I get a good chance I'll kill him with my bare hands  (With Quotes) Lo, the lovers unloved that draw nigh for your blessing! For your tale makes the dreaming whereby yet they live the dreams of the day with their hopes of redressing, the dreams of the night with the kisses they give, the dreams of the dawn wherein death and hope strive  (With Quotes) Love is enough: it grew up without heeding in the days when ye knew not its name nor its measure, and its leaflets untrodden by the light feet of pleasure had no boast of the blossom, no sign of the seeding, as the morning and evening passed over its treasure  (With Quotes) Human beings are compelled to live within a lie, but they can be compelled to do so only because they are in fact capable of living in this way. Therefore not only does the system alienate humanity, but at the same time alienated humanity supports this system as its own involuntary master plan, as a degenerate image of its own degeneration, as a record of people's own failure as individuals  (With Quotes) There is only one art, whose sole criterion is the power, the authenticity, the revelatory insight, the courage and suggestiveness with which it seeks its truth. Thus, from the standpoint of the work and its worth it is irrelevant to which political ideas the artist as a citizen claims allegiance, which ideas he would like to serve with his work or whether he holds any such ideas at all  (With Quotes) It cannot suffice to invent new machines, new regulations, new institutions. It is necessary to change and improve our understanding of the true purpose of what we are and what we do in the world. Only such a new understanding will allow us to develop new models of behavior, new scales of values and goals, and thereby invest the global regulations, treaties and institutions with a new spirit and meaning  (With Quotes) You do not become a dissident just because you decide one day to take up this most unusual career. You are thrown into it by your personal sense of responsibility, combined with a complex set of external circumstances. You are cast out of the existing structures and placed in a position of conflict with them. It begins as an attempt to do your work well, and ends with being branded an enemy of society  (With Quotes) Twenty or thirty years ago, in the army, we had a lot of obscure adventures, and years later we tell them at parties, and suddenly we realize that those two very difficult years of our lives have become lumped together into a few episodes that have lodged in our memory in a standardized form, and are always told in a standardized way, in the same words. But in fact that lump of memories has nothing whatsoever to do with our experience of those two years in the army and what it has made of us  (With Quotes)
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