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There can be no doubt that distrust of words is less harmful than unwarranted trust in them. Besides, to distrust words, and indict them for the horrors that might slumber unobtrusively within them - isn't this, after all, the true vocation of the intellectual?  (With Quotes) If the world is to change for the better it must start with a change in human consciousness, in the very humanness of modern man  (With Quotes) A genuinely fundamental and hopeful improvement in systems cannot happen without a significant shift in human consciousness  (With Quotes) Sober perseverance is more effective than enthusiastic emotions, which are all too capable of being transferred, with little difficulty, to something different each day  (With Quotes) It sprang without sowing, it grew without heeding, ye knew not its name and ye knew not its measure, ye noted it not mid your hope and your pleasure; there was pain in its blossom, despair in its seeding, but daylong your bosom now nurseth its treasure  (With Quotes) Without the constantly living and articulated experience of absurdity, there would be no reason to attempt to do something meaningful. And on the contrary, how can one experience one's own absurdity if one is not constantly seeking meaning?  (With Quotes) The declaration of independence states that the creator gave man the right to liberty. It seems man can realize that liberty only if he does not forget the one who endowed him with it  (With Quotes) One has to greatly admire the patience with which our society has come to terms with all the challenges of these dramatic times, the extent of which few of us could have anticipated in those heady, revolutionary days  (With Quotes) Ideology is a specious way of relating to the world. It offers human beings the illusion of an identity, of dignity, and of morality while making it easier for them to part with them  (With Quotes) Time and time again I have been persuaded that a huge potential of goodwill is slumbering within our society. It's just that it's incoherent, suppressed, confused, crippled and perplexed  (With Quotes) And the shadow of the night and not love was departed; I was sore, I was weary, yet love lived to seek; so I scaled the dark mountains, and wandered sad-hearted over wearier wastes, where e'en sunlight was bleak, with no rest of the night for my soul waxen weak  (With Quotes) Each day, as I take various pills, I realize that without those pills I might not be alive - and, if I were, life would not be worth living. Yet those who produce these medications are under constant attack from people who produce nothing  (With Quotes) Social values in general are incrementally variable: neither safety, diversity, rational articulation, nor morality is categorically a good thing to have more of, without limits. All are subject to diminishing returns, and ultimately negative returns  (With Quotes) He made little, too little of sacraments and priests, because God was so intensely real to him. What should he do with lenses who stood thus full in the torrent of the sunshine  (With Quotes) If it were not for respect for human opinions, I would not open my window to see the bay of naples for the first time, whilst I would go five hundred leagues to talk with a man of genius whom I had not seen  (With Quotes) With no rest of the night; for I waked mid a story of a land wherein love is the light and the lord, where my tale shall be heard, and my wounds gain a glory, and my tears be a treasure to add to the hoard of pleasure laid up for his people's reward  (With Quotes) I would never do anything to harm the country or anything improper. I think most people who have dealt with me think I'm a pretty straight sort of guy, and I am  (With Quotes) Sometimes, and in particular dealing with a dictator, the only chance of peace is a readiness for war  (With Quotes) Worthy work carries with it the hope of pleasure in rest, the hope of the pleasure in our using what it makes, and the hope of pleasure in our daily creative skill. All other work but this is worthless; it is slaves' work - mere toiling to live, that we may live to toil  (With Quotes) What you can't do is have a situation where you get a rejection of the treaty and then you just bring it back with a few amendments and say we will have another go. You can't do that and I am not going to get drawn into speculating the way forward because I don't intend to lose the referendum  (With Quotes) He wants a bill of rights for Britain drafted by a committee of lawyers. Have you ever tried drafting anything with a committee of lawyers?  (With Quotes) Dreamer of dreams, born out of my due time, why should I strive to set the crooked straight? Let it suffice me that my murmuring rhyme beats with light wing against the ivory gate, telling a tale not too importunate, to those who in the sleepy region stay, lulled by the singer of an empty day  (With Quotes) Time rushes toward us with its hospital tray of infinitely varied narcotics, even while it is preparing us for its inevitably fatal operation  (With Quotes) You've got many refinements. I don't think you need to worry about your failure at long division. I mean, after all, you got through short division, and short division is all that a lady ought to be called on to cope with  (With Quotes) Up and down our lives obedient walk, dear Christ, with footsteps radiant, till those garden lives shall be fair with duties done for thee; and our thankful spirits say, Christ arose on Easter day  (With Quotes) The lives of men who have been always growing are strewed along their whole course with the things they have learned to do without  (With Quotes) No man or woman of the humblest sort can really be strong, gentle, pure, and good, without the world being the better for it, without somebody being helped and comforted by the very existence of that goodness  (With Quotes) The man who goes through life with an uncertain doctrine not knowing what he believes, what a poor, powerless creature he is! He goes around through the world as a man goes down through the street with a poor, wounded arm, forever dodging people be meets on the street for fear they may touch him  (With Quotes) The form of Godliness may exist with secret and with open wickedness, but the power of Godliness cannot  (With Quotes) O risen Christ! O Easter flower! How dear thy grace has grown! From East to west, with loving power, make all the world thine own  (With Quotes)
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