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Everywhere the flower of obedience is intelligence. Obey a man with cordial loyalty and you will understand him  (With Quotes) Virtue is the daughter of religion; repentance, her adopted child, - a poor orphan who, without the asylum which she offers, would not know where to hide her sole treasure, her tears!  (With Quotes) This land is a little land; too much shut up within the narrow seas, as it seems, to have much space for swelling into hugeness  (With Quotes) O Earth! All bathed with blood and years, yet never hast thou ceased putting forth thy fruit and flowers  (With Quotes) Divine wisdom, intending to detain us some time on Earth, has done well to cover with a veil the prospect of life to come; for if our sight could clearly distinguish the opposite bank, who would remain on this tempestuous coast?  (With Quotes) Where no interest is takes in science, literature and liberal pursuits, mere facts and insignificant criticisms necessarily become the themes of discourse; and minds, strangers alike to activity and meditation, become so limited as to render all intercourse with them at once tasteless and oppressive  (With Quotes) When women oppose themselves to the projects and ambition of men, they excite their lively resentment; if in their youth they meddle with political intrigues, their modesty must suffer  (With Quotes) It is a pleasure for to sit at ease upon the land, and safely for to see how other folks are tossed on the seas that with the blustering winds turmoiled be  (With Quotes) Dreadful will be the day when the world becomes contented, when one great universal satisfaction spreads itself over the world. Sad will be the day for every man when he becomes absolutely contented with the life that he is living, with the thoughts that he is thinking, with the deeds that he is doing, when there is not forever beating at the doors of his soul some great desire to do something larger which he knows that he was meant and made to do because he is a child of God  (With Quotes) Popular art is normally decried as vulgar by the cultivated people of its time; then it loses favor with its original audience as a new generation grows up; then it begins to merge into the softer lighting of "quaint", and cultivated people become interested in it; and finally it begins to take on the archaic dignity of the primitive  (With Quotes) A reader who quarrels with postulates, who dislikes hamlet because he does not believe that there are ghosts or that people speak in pentameters, clearly has no business in literature. He cannot distinguish fiction from fact, and belongs in the same category as the people who send checks to radio stations for the relief of suffering heroines in soap operas  (With Quotes) It is clear that all verbal structures with meaning are verbal imitations of that elusive psychological and physiological process known as thought, a process stumbling through emotional entanglements, sudden irrational convictions, involuntary gleams of insight, rationalized prejudices, and blocks of panic and inertia, finally to reach a completely incommunicable intuition  (With Quotes) I love art, and I love history, but it is living art and living history that I love. It is in the interest of living art and living history that I oppose so-called restoration. What history can there be in a building bedaubed with ornament, which cannot at the best be anything but a hopeless and lifeless imitation of the hope and vigor of the earlier world?  (With Quotes) Simplicity of life, even the barest, is not a misery, but the very foundation of refinement; a sanded floor and whitewashed walls and the green trees, and flowery meads, and living waters outside; or a grimy palace amid the same with a regiment of housemaids always working to smear the dirt together so that it may be unnoticed; which, think you, is the most refined, the most fit for a gentleman of those two dwellings?  (With Quotes) We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But if that drop was not in the ocean, I think the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. I do not agree with the big way of doing things  (With Quotes) There is but one love of Jesus, as there is but one person in the poor - Jesus. We take vows of chastity to love Christ with undivided love; to be able to love him with undivided love we take a vow of poverty which frees us from all material possessions, and with that freedom we can love him with undivided love, and from this vow of undivided love we surrender ourselves totally to him in the person who takes his place  (With Quotes) Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile  (With Quotes) Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies  (With Quotes) If there are people who feel that God wants them to change the structures of society, that is something between them and their God. We must serve him in whatever way we are called. I am called to help the individual; to love each poor person. Not to deal with institutions. I am in no position to judge  (With Quotes) Without out suffering, our work would just be social work, very good and helpful, but it would not be the work of Jesus Christ, not part of the redemption. All the desolation of the poor people, not only their material poverty, but their spiritual destitution, must be redeemed. And we must share it, for only by being one with them can we redeem them by bringing God into their lives and bringing them to God  (With Quotes) Life often seems like a long shipwreck, of which the debris are friendship, glory, and love; the shores of existence are strewn with them  (With Quotes) The Gods and their tranquil abodes appear, which no winds disturb, nor clouds bedew with showers, nor does the white snow, hardened by frost, annoy them; the heaven, always pure, is without clouds, and smiles with pleasant light diffused  (With Quotes) The dreadful fear of hell is to be driven out, which disturbs the life of man and renders it miserable, overcasting all things with the blackness of darkness, and leaving no pure, unalloyed pleasure  (With Quotes) Hope is our life when first our life grows clear, hope and delight, scarce crossed by lines of fear: yet the day comes when fain we would not hope - but for as much as we with life must cope, struggling with this and that - and who knows why? Hope will not give us up to certainty, but still must bide with us  (With Quotes) Virtue is a beautiful thing in woman when they don't go about with it like a child with a drum making all sorts of noise with it  (With Quotes) There are two ways of attaining an important end - force and perseverance. Force falls to the lot only of the privileged few, but austere and sustained perseverance can be practiced by the most insignificant. Its silent power grows irresistible with time  (With Quotes) There are but two future verbs which man may appropriate confidently and without pride: I shall suffer, and I shall die  (With Quotes) Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you  (With Quotes) You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, 'I release the need for this in my life'  (With Quotes) I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief. For a time I rest in the grace of the world, and am free  (With Quotes)
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