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My faith foundation works to bring about a greater respect and understanding between different faiths. We basically work with six popular religions in the world which are the three Abrahamic religions, Hinduism and Buddhism and Sikhism  (With Quotes) Being stuck is a position few of us like. We want something new but cannot let go of the old - old ideas, beliefs, habits, even thoughts. We are out of contact with our own genius. Sometimes we know we are stuck; sometimes we don't. In both cases we have to DO something  (With Quotes) It is Barack Obama who is at war with this country. Recent events prove it. This is not a cliche. It's not a figure of speech. Obama is at war with the U.S. Economy  (With Quotes) If Thomas Jefferson thought taxation without representation was bad, he should see how it is with representation  (With Quotes) I always felt like I was a freak when I was growing up and that there was something wrong with me because I couldn't fit in anywhere  (With Quotes) I guess some people are brilliant enough to be brilliant on their own and never doubt anything and come up with fabulous things. But I think it's good to get into arguments with people and have them say, 'That sucks' or 'You're crazy' or 'That's cheesy"'or 'What do you think of this?  (With Quotes) My father was very strong. I don't agree with a lot of the ways he brought me up. I don't agree with a lot of his values, but he did have a lot of integrity, and if he told us not to do something, he didn't do it either  (With Quotes) To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return. To just give. That takes courage, because we don't want to fall on our faces or leave ourselves open to hurt  (With Quotes) I need you. Because you make me laugh more than anyone else, and I'm the best me when I'm with you. And because when you're gone, nothing feels right until you return  (With Quotes) I'm in love with you, and I'm not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things  (With Quotes) The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, is fit for treasons, stratagems and spoils  (With Quotes) Children wish fathers looked but with their eyes; fathers that children with their judgment looked; and either may be wrong  (With Quotes) I often miss this little girl, whose dreams had no barriers, who believed in a world where anything is possible with a heart that was full and unbroken  (With Quotes) If depression is creeping up and must be faced, learn something about the nature of the beast: You may escape without a mauling  (With Quotes) Conversation should be pleasant without scurrility, witty without affectation, free without indecency, learned without conceitedness, novel without falsehood  (With Quotes) I pray you bear me henceforth from the noise and rumour of the field, where I may think the remnant of my thoughts in peace, and part of this body and my soul with contemplation and devout desires  (With Quotes) Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore, so do our minutes hasten to their end; Each changing place with that which goes before, in sequent toil all forwards do contend  (With Quotes) When griping grief the heart doth wound, and doleful dumps the mind oppresses, then music, with her silver sound, with speedy help doth lend redress  (With Quotes) Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him. The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones  (With Quotes) Tis better to be lowly born, and range with humble livers in content, than to be perked up in a glistering grief, and wear a golden sorrow  (With Quotes) True hope is swift, and flies with swallow's wings; kings it makes gods, and meaner creatures kings  (With Quotes) And oftentimes, to win us to our harm, the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray's in deepest consequence  (With Quotes) Knowing I loved my books, he furnished me from mine own library with volumes that I prize above my dukedom  (With Quotes) There's nothing ill can dwell in such a temple: If the ill spirit have so fair a house, good things will strive to dwell with it  (With Quotes) Under the greenwood tree who loves to lie with me... Here shall he see no enemy but winter and rough weather  (With Quotes) I thank God I am not a woman, to be touched in so many giddy offences as He hath generally taxed their whole sex withal  (With Quotes) What makes us discontented with our condition is the absurdly exaggerated idea we have of the happiness of others  (With Quotes) A great war leaves the country with three armies - an army of cripples, an army of mourners, and an army of thieves  (With Quotes) When the person you want to be with pushes you away, thank them for pointing you in the right direction  (With Quotes) I'm amazed when I see these little 8 year old kids with iPhones. You know what I had when I was 8? Imagination  (With Quotes)
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