Withe Quotes

Text Quotes
Every woman’s path is difficult, and many mothers were as equipped to raise children as wire monkey mothers. I say that without judgment: It is, sadly, true. An unhealthy mother’s love is withering (Withe Quotes)
However, withered, I still feel myself to be exactly the same person I’ve always been. Hard to explain that to the young. we may look truly reptilian, but we’re not a separate tribe (Withe Quotes)
Time that withers you will wither me. We will fall like ripe fruit and roll down the grass together. Dear friend, let me lie beside you watching the clouds until the earth covers us and we are gone (Withe Quotes)
A generation that cannot endure boredom will be a generation of little men, of men unduly divorced from the slow process of nature, of men in whom every vital impulse slowly withers as though they were cut flowers in a vase (Withe Quotes)
Should we put out the light? And then put out the light. But once put out thy light, I cannot give it vital breath again. It needs must wither (Withe Quotes)
The point is always reached after which the gods no longer share their lives with mortal men and women, they die or wither away or retire... Now that they’ve gone, the high drama’s over. What remains is ordinary human life (Withe Quotes)
Flowers that grow where old ones have withered serve to remind us that death will one day come to us all (Withe Quotes)
My dear young lady, crime, like death, is not confined to the old and withered alone. The youngest and fairest are too often its chosen victims (Withe Quotes)
Isn’t it better to have your heart broken than to have it wither up? Before it could be broken it must have felt something splendid. That would be worth the pain (Withe Quotes)
Nothing is more fleeting than external form, which withers and alters like the flowers of the field at the appearance of autumn (Withe Quotes)
Love withers with predictability; its very essence is surprise and amazement. To make love a prisoner of the mundane is to take its passion and lose it forever (Withe Quotes)
Now nothing can prevent this but mortification; that withers the root and strikes at the head of sin every hour, so that whatever it aims at it is crossed in (Withe Quotes)
I get worried for young girls sometimes; I want them to feel that they can be sassy and full and weird and geeky and smart and independent, and not so withered and shriveled (Withe Quotes)
I saw that the bride within the bridal dress had withered like the dress, and like the flowers, and had no brightness left but the brightness of her sunken eyes (Withe Quotes)
All things such as grass and trees are soft and supple in life. At their death they are withered and dry (Withe Quotes)
Whatever is flexible and living will tend to grow; whatever is rigid and blocked will wither and die (Withe Quotes)
If you were a blade of grass or a tiny flower I will pitch my tent in your shadow. Only your presence revives my withered heart. You are the candle that lights the whole world and I am an empty vessel for your light (Withe Quotes)
The greatest tragedy in life is not to die, it is to live as if dead, to let the life within us wither. Toward what goal or achievement are we striving in life? This is the important question to ask ourselves (Withe Quotes)
Every person should make it his business to gather new ideas from sources other than the environment in which he daily lives and works. The mind becomes withered, stagnant, narrow and closed unless it searches for new ideas (Withe Quotes)
The roads of science are narrow, so that they who travel them, must wither follow or meet one another (Withe Quotes)
Every artist preserves deep within him a single source from which, throughout his lifetime, he draws what he is, and what he says. When the source dries up, the work withers and crumbles (Withe Quotes)
Why does an apple fall when it is ripe? Is it brought down by the force of gravity? Is it because its stalk withers? Because it is dried by the sun, because it grows too heavy, or because the boy standing under the tree wants to eat it? None of these is the cause... Every action of theirs, that seems to them an act of their own freewill is in the historical sense not free at all but is bound up with the whole course of history and preordained from all eternity (Withe Quotes)
... it is so silly of people to fancy that old age means crookedness and witheredness and feebleness and sticks and spectacles and rheumatism and forgetfulness! It is so silly! Old age has nothing whatever to do with all that. The right old age means strength and beauty and mirth and courage and clear eyes and strong painless limbs (Withe Quotes)
The curse of mortality. You spend the first portion of your life learning, growing stronger, more capable. And then, through no fault of your own, your body begins to fail. You regress. Strong limbs become feeble, keen senses grow dull, hardy constitutions deteriorate. Beauty withers. Organs quit. You remember yourself in your prime, and wonder where that person went. As your wisdom and experience are peaking, your traitorous body becomes a prison (Withe Quotes)
The morning air of the pasture turned steadily cooler. Day by day, the bright golden leaves of the birches turned more spotted as the first winds of winter slipped between the withered branches and across the highlands toward the southeast. Stopping in the center of the pasture, I could hear the winds clearly. No turning back, they pronounced. The brief autumn was gone (Withe Quotes)
If she had been left alone she would have gone on, in her own way, enjoying herself thoroughly, until people found one day that she had turned imperceptibly into one of those women who have become old without ever having been middle aged: a little withered, a little acid, hard as nails, sentimentally kindhearted, and addicted to religion or small dogs (Withe Quotes)
If I dropped a tear upon your hand, may it wither it up! If I spoke a gentle word in your hearing, may it deafen you! If I touched you with my lips, may the touch be poison to you! A curse upon this roof that gave me shelter! Sorrow and shame upon your head! Ruin upon all belonging to you! (Withe Quotes)
You say you should have died instead of me. But during my time on earth, people died instead of me, too. It happens every day. When lightning strikes a minute after you are gone, or an airplane crashes that you might have been on. When your colleague falls ill and you do not. We think such things are random. But there is a balance to it all. One withers, another grows. Birth and death are part of a whole (Withe Quotes)
The problem with living so long is that we get used to it. We watch the mortals age and wither and die around us, watch the world change and decay... but no matter the hardship or the pain or the sorrow we suffer, we choose to continue living. Out of sheer habit, I think (Withe Quotes)
I know now that when the loving, honest moment comes it should be seized, and spoken, because it may never come again. And unvoiced, unmoving, unlived in the things we declare form heart to heart, those true and real feelings wither and crumble in the remembering hand that tries too late to reach for them (Withe Quotes)