Within Quotes

Text Quotes
May you always find the light within and have the courage to take a chance (Within Quotes)
Look within. Within is the fountain of good, and it will ever bubble up, if thou wilt ever dig (Within Quotes)
Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking (Within Quotes)
Suppressed grief suffocates, it rages within the breast, and is forced to multiply its strength (Within Quotes)
Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging (Within Quotes)
Ah! Somehow life is bigger after all than any painted angel could we see the God that is within us! (Within Quotes)
If we have not peace within ourselves, it is in vain to seek it from outward sources (Within Quotes)
The man who has begun to live more seriously within begins to live more simply without (Within Quotes)
We ride through life on the beast within us. Beat the animal, but you can't make it think (Within Quotes)
I write the music, produce it and the band plays within the parameters that I set (Within Quotes)
The most virtuous women have something within them, something that is never chaste (Within Quotes)
Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change (Within Quotes)
Men of ill judgment ignore the good that lies within their hands, till they have lost it (Within Quotes)
Princes and governments are far more dangerous than other elements within society (Within Quotes)
Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face (Within Quotes)
Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought (Within Quotes)
Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul (Within Quotes)
What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us (Within Quotes)
The passages of Shakespeare that we most prize were never quoted until within this century (Within Quotes)
You are not male nor female, but a plan deep set within the heart of man (Within Quotes)
Within the hollow crown that rounds the mortal temples of a king keeps death his court (Within Quotes)
What is troubling us is the tendency to believe that the mind is like a little man within (Within Quotes)
Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence (Within Quotes)
There is nothing evil but what is within us; the rest is either natural or accidental (Within Quotes)
Though perseverance does not come from our power, yet it comes from within our power (Within Quotes)
The law is not thrust upon man; it rests deep within him, to waken when the call comes (Within Quotes)
When a man has made peace within himself, he will be able to make peace in the whole world (Within Quotes)
Your life within God's arms, your dance within God's arms, is already perfect! (Within Quotes)
Listen to your own self. If you listen to that self within, then you find the truth (Within Quotes)
When the Spirit of God moves within us, we must move with Him or be miserable (Within Quotes)