Within Quotes

Text Quotes
We are witnessing an enormous shift of collective consciousness throughout the world. We are at the precipice of great transformation within our culture and government (Within Quotes)
We discussed politics, but we also talked about the importance of hard work, personal responsibility, living within your means, keeping your word. Those lessons stay with you throughout your life (Within Quotes)
We set ourselves limits, but we are all strong enough to aim higher, to achieve our goals. All we have to do is find such strength within ourselves. Know how to develop it (Within Quotes)
Well I think if you really go out with someone for quite a long time you do get to know each other very, very well, you go through the good times, you go through the bad times. You know both personally, but also within a relationship as well (Within Quotes)
What breadth, what beauty and power of human nature and development there must be in a woman to get over all the palisades, all the fences, within which she is held captive! (Within Quotes)
When I investigate and when I discover that the forces of the heavens and the planets are within ourselves, then truly I seem to be living among the gods (Within Quotes)
You can’t study comedy; it’s within you. It’s a personality. My humor is an attitude (Within Quotes)
You have to find the peace and patience within yourself to be a model and an example to others and not judge (Within Quotes)
You must try to generate happiness within yourself. If you aren’t happy in one place, chances are you won’t be happy anyplace (Within Quotes)
The achievement of maturity, psychologically speaking, might be said to be the realization and acceptance that we simply cannot live independently from the world, and so we must live within it, with whatever compromises that might entail (Within Quotes)
Happiness is not determined by what’s happening around you, but rather what’s happening inside you. Most people depend on others to gain happiness, but the truth is, it always comes from within (Within Quotes)
Find something good within your life and give every ounce of positivity you have towards it, then watch how your life changes (Within Quotes)
And it is crucial of course that chief constables are able to make decisions within their budgets about how they deploy their police officers to the greatest effect to ensure that they’re able to do the job that the public want them to do (Within Quotes)
That past is still within our living memory, a time when neighbour helped neighbour, sharing what little they had out of necessity, as well as decency (Within Quotes)
My only true harmony lies deep within my soul, wherever that is. I know that somehow I am in tune with the universe (Within Quotes)
The violinist must possess the poets gift of piercing the protective hide which grows on propagandists, stockbrokers and slave traders, to penetrate the deeper truth which lies within (Within Quotes)
The only way to win tournaments is with the short game. Over half your shots out here are within 30 or 40 yards. Ballstriking is where I’m trying to improve, yes, but more to eliminate big numbers than make birdies (Within Quotes)
I used to get quite upset that I’d make friends with a guy or a girl and then within the space of three years we’d move and go and live somewhere else, and you’d have to say goodbye to that person (Within Quotes)
For when they see the people swarm into the streets, and daily wet to the skin with rain, and yet cannot persuade them to go out of the rain, they do keep themselves within their houses, seeing they cannot remedy the folly of the people (Within Quotes)
Within three months I had gone from being this black sheep of the town to suddenly becoming a pop star (Within Quotes)
Babylon 5 is probably the biggest, most ambitious television science fiction series ever made. It’s one big novel told over five years with 110 different stories told within it (Within Quotes)
We make a contract within ourselves as actors or directors or writers about how much of ourselves we let into projects. You can actually figure out before you work on something how much blood you will have to let emotionally (Within Quotes)
I think most artists create out of despair. The very nature of creation is not a performing glory on the outside, it’s a painful, difficult search within (Within Quotes)
I had not yet gotten into the world of light. But I felt as one who, standing outside, could knock against the wall and hear an answering knock from within (Within Quotes)
It is one thing to own a woman, and it is another to have her within the bonds of an excellent mastery (Within Quotes)
It is such a complex matter we live within, it is impossible to track logic and decision making really, so therefore each choice can actually only be seen as coincidence (Within Quotes)
You always try to work for your audience, to entertain them, but that being said, obviously, within the studio system you feel the sense of responsibility to the bank (Within Quotes)
Evolutionary cosmology formulates theories in which a universe is capable of giving rise to and generating future universes out of itself, within black holes or whatever (Within Quotes)
The basketball coach cut me within two days, so I was back in the pool. I was the first one in the wall after the first 25 yards, but the last one out because I didn’t have a flip turn (Within Quotes)
There is a measure needing courage to adopt and enforce it, which I believe to be of virtue sufficient to redeem the nation in this its darkest hour: one only; I know of no other to which we may rationally trust for relief from impending dangers without and within (Within Quotes)