Within Quotes

Text Quotes
We don’t always walk from one state of mind into another. We might just oscillate back and forth for a whole lifetime within the polarities of a certain state of mind (Within Quotes)
Consider that we live in a world predicated upon fear. The underlying assumption is that human beings are innately evil and must be groomed and controlled. That is the dichotomy that is set up within the human mind, good and evil (Within Quotes)
You don’t have to do anything to be happy, nor do you have to avoid anything. Happiness comes from within your mind. Happiness already exists (Within Quotes)
Allow the emptiness inherent within actions and experiences to guide and shape your choices. Let your actions direct you, the actor, not the other way around (Within Quotes)
Instead of your ego directing you and making countless mistakes, allow yourself to be guided by the invisible principles of the universe within your action (Within Quotes)
In creation myths, a God shapes mud or clay into living form, much like a potter throws a pot or a sculptor reveals the statue within a block of marble. But a writer has to create his own clay or stone before he can begin shaping life from it (Within Quotes)
To me, casting is all about finding a character within the actor off the screen as much as on the screen (Within Quotes)
The interesting thing about fiction from a writer’s standpoint is that the characters come to life within you. And yet who are they and where are they? They seem to have as much or more vitality and complexity as the people around you (Within Quotes)
As a girl, I used to zip myself into a snowsuit, fall into the deepest snowdrift I could find and sweep my arms and legs into the powder, making snow angels that would crumble within minutes of their genesis. Despite their rapid disappearance, something about these frozen, evanescent angels has stayed with me ever since (Within Quotes)
If you work for and eventually lead a company, understand that companies have multiple stakeholders including employees, customers, business partners and the communities within which they operate (Within Quotes)
Above and beyond drawing my creations, I try to incorporate some kind of message. I try not to end as merely a question but try to provide a conclusion within the work (Within Quotes)
In a world of democracies, the most deserving basis of national differences is that the different states of the world should represent a form of moral specialisation within humanity (Within Quotes)
See, I’m a believer that people are born with a sense of cooking. It’s something within them that really gives them the ability to create and to understand flavors (Within Quotes)
We cannot learn freedom and responsibility within the confines of our own species. We cannot understand life and death and what they are for in exclusively human terms. Without that which is wild, the world becomes a cell block (Within Quotes)
O supreme and unapproachable light! O whole and blessed truth, how far art thou from me, who am so near to thee! How far removed art thou from my vision, though I am so near to thine! Everywhere thou art wholly present, and I see thee not. In thee I move, and in thee I have my being; and I cannot come to thee. Thou art within me, and about me, and I feel thee not (Within Quotes)
Life is beautiful all of the time. Just to be alive and perceive that beauty of life all around you and within you is the best that there is (Within Quotes)
Most human beings are completely out of touch with their spiritual nature and with the inner dimensions that exist within themselves. They don’t realize each person has a soul, an inner core of light and intelligence as vast as the ten thousand worlds, whose inner nature is emptiness, ecstasy and happiness (Within Quotes)
Your whole life is inside your mind. Your mind is the prism that refracts the entire universe. Everything around you and within you comes from your mind (Within Quotes)
The real dance is within; it is within your mind. Everything is inside your mind. God is inside your mind (Within Quotes)
Each time you meditate, you create a stronger connection with the world of inner light and happiness that exists within you (Within Quotes)
The place that you gain the most power is within your own mind. Stopping thought generates power. That is why people meditate. The longer you can stop thought, the more power you gain (Within Quotes)
Will is developed in meditation. It is refined. It is within you, but you don’t know how to get to it (Within Quotes)
In meditation we get a sense of the countless selves within ourselves, the different forms they take. Those that don’t seem positive or helpful we push aside. Those that seem progressive we enjoy (Within Quotes)
Learn the motions of infinity within your mind. Your mind becomes a perfect mirror to the motions of infinity (Within Quotes)
Personal power changes or shapes consciousness, and that is kundalini. Kundalini exists within us. Some people have more of it, some dimensions have more of it (Within Quotes)
There’s lower mystical kundalini and higher mystical kundalini. There are ranges within the range (Within Quotes)
When you are subjected to this light, depending on how strong the dose is, you will have two or three days in which you can make tremendous changes within your self, in the structure of your being (Within Quotes)
There are seven primary centers, junctions, within the subtle physical body. These are called the seven chakras (Within Quotes)
Just as there are primary colors from which all of the others come forth when they’re combined, so there are primary vibratory qualities of energy and light within us (Within Quotes)
Chakras are mystical energy centers that exist within the human aura. Tremendous occult power resides in a person’s chakras. Siddha masters draw upon that power during meditation, store it within themselves, and later use it to perform miracles (Within Quotes)