Without Quotes

Text Quotes
Moral passion without entertainment is propaganda, and entertainment without moral passion is television (Without Quotes)
Abortion is black genocide... What happens to the mind of a person and the moral fabric of a nation that accepts the aborting of the life of a baby without a pang of conscience? (Without Quotes)
War begun without good provision of money beforehand for going through with it is but as a breathing of strength and blast that will quickly pass away. Coin is the sinews of war (Without Quotes)
The body apologizes to the soul for its errors, and the soul asks forgiveness for squatting in the body without invitation (Without Quotes)
Approval is overrated... Approval and disapproval alike satisfy those who deliver it more than those who receive it. I don’t care for approval, and I don’t mind doing without (Without Quotes)
I’ll starve to death before I’ll cook for myself. I think I could survive a week without eating (Without Quotes)
Without a heart transformed by the grace of Christ, we just continue to manage external and internal darkness (Without Quotes)
The man who thinks he can live without others is mistaken; the one who thinks others can’t live without him is even more deluded (Without Quotes)
Speaking uses us up, speeds us up. Without prayer, that act of confession for merely existing, one might live forever and not know it (Without Quotes)
Love says: I’ve seen the ugly parts of you, and I’m staying. Our culture doesn’t love love; It loves the idea of love. It wants the emotion without the sacrifice (Without Quotes)
Genius is the union of man and God in the acts of the soul. Great men are always greater than their deeds. They are in connection with a reserve power that is without limit (Without Quotes)
Strange... A God who could make good children as easily as bad, yet preferred to make bad ones; who made them prize their bitter life, yet stingily cut it short; mouths Golden Rules and forgiveness multiplied seventy times seven and invented Hell; who mouths morals to other people and has none himself; who frowns upon crimes yet commits them all; who created man without invitation, then tries to shuffle the responsibility for man’s acts upon man, instead of honorably placing it where it belongs, upon himself; and finally with altogether divine obtuseness, invites this poor, abused slave to worship him! (Without Quotes)
To journey without being changed is to be a nomad. To change without journeying is to be a chameleon. To journey and be transformed by the journey is to be a pilgrim (Without Quotes)
You have that within you which is ever impelling you toward the upward and advancing way; and that impelling something is the divine Principle of Power; you must obey it without question (Without Quotes)
You can choose whatever name you like for the two types of government. I personally call the type of government which can be removed without violence democracy, and the other tyranny (Without Quotes)
You cannot exercise much power without gratitude because it is gratitude that keeps you connected with power (Without Quotes)
It is almost impossible for children and youth to find their way through the seas of life without the guiding light of a good example (Without Quotes)
Eloquence is relative. One can no more pronounce on the eloquence of any composition than the wholesomeness of a medicine, without knowing for whom it is intended (Without Quotes)
Habits are formed, not at one stroke, but gradually and insensibly; so that, unless vigilant care be employed, a great change may come over the character without our being conscious of any (Without Quotes)
No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck (Without Quotes)
Without whining and without making myself a tragic figure, there is no replacement for the loss of your privacy. It’s a huge sacrifice (Without Quotes)
Is that the basis of friendship? Is it as reactive as that? Do we respond only to people who seem to find us interesting?... Do we all buzz or ring or light up when people press our vanity buttons, and only then? Can I think of anyone in my whole life whom I have liked without his first showing signs of liking me? (Without Quotes)
Evolution is gaining the psychic zones of the world... life, being and ascent of consciousness, could not continue to advance indefinitely along its line without transforming itself in depth. The being who is the object of his own reflection, in consequence, of that very doubling back upon himself becomes in a flash able to raise himself to a new sphere (Without Quotes)
I don’t have a good attention span and can’t spend long in record stores or video shops or games emporiums without getting grumpy (Without Quotes)
Everything, I just wanted to be like my father. And, as I grew within the music, I kind of became myself which was even more like my father, only without me trying though (Without Quotes)
I think my type of personality has all music inside of it, so I am full of music, without even knowing it, without even learning it, without even hearing it (Without Quotes)
No, the only things which do not bother me are the elements. I can overcome them without a fight. All one has to do to get the best of the elements is to stand pat and one will win (Without Quotes)
Substantial progress toward better things can rarely be taken without developing new evils requiring new remedies (Without Quotes)
I don’t know what will happen to me without you. Only you. Only you love me. Out of everyone in the world (Without Quotes)
I’m thinking balls are to men, what purses are to women. It’s just a little bag but we’d feel naked in public without it (Without Quotes)