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Witnessing Quotes

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One of the greatest gifts my father gave me - unintentionally - was witnessing the courage with which he bore adversity.  (Witnessing Quotes) Call me an alarmist, but we are witnessing the beginning of the most frightening period of government tyranny in our nation’s history.  (Witnessing Quotes) Meditation has only one meaning, and that is going beyond the mind and becoming a witness. In your witnessing is the miracle - the whole mystery of life  (Witnessing Quotes) I mentioned earlier the two wings of awareness. The first step is recognizing the fear of getting close to others - this honest witnessing of where it is in the body, where it is in your beliefs.The other wing regards what’s seen with kindness and compassion.  (Witnessing Quotes) I think I’m still chewing on my years as a foreign correspondent. I found myself covering catastrophes - war, uprising, famine, refugee crises - and witnessing how people were affected by dire situations. When I find a story from the past, I bring some of those lessons to bear on the narrative.  (Witnessing Quotes) We live unto Him, so committing our service to the Lord is the first and foremost priority of our lives. We can start with our reasonable service: prayer, studying, fasting, tithing, fellowshipping, and witnessing.  (Witnessing Quotes) After watching Taro reach the brink of bankruptcy, seeing their shares delisted from trading, hearing endless false promises about receiving audited financial statements, and witnessing an unchecked drain of company resources, the shareholders have clearly had enough.  (Witnessing Quotes) [Football] has nothing to do with fair play. It is bound up with hatred, jealousy, boastfulness, disregard of all rules and sadistic pleasure in witnessing violence: in other words it is war minus the shooting.  (Witnessing Quotes) Like students going to school, the planes on their bombing missions fly over Beijing each morning. And each time I hear their engines attack the air I feel a certain slight tension, as if I were witnessing the invasion of Death, though this heightens my consciousness of the existence of Life.  (Witnessing Quotes) During war time, when people were injured, I was really frustrated I did not become a doctor. It’s painful not being able to save people, witnessing their pain.  (Witnessing Quotes) I interviewed dozens and dozens of African women who had endured more hardship and trauma than most Westerners even read about, and they ploughed on. I often openly cried during interviews, unable to process this violence and hatred towards women I was witnessing.  (Witnessing Quotes) From tea parties to the election in Massachusetts, we are witnessing the single greatest political pushback in American history.  (Witnessing Quotes) What we are witnessing is the birth of something I call ‘Polisdigitocracy.’ This is a form of government that counts participation and transparency as its cornerstones and uses technology as its guide. The digital revolution is allowing democracy to recall its foundations and evolution is modernizing and reinforcing our fundamental values.  (Witnessing Quotes) Most people assume that meditation is all about stopping thoughts, getting rid of emotions, somehow controlling the mind. But actually it’s ... about stepping back, seeing the thought clearly, witnessing it coming and going.  (Witnessing Quotes) Show me a church or a Christian organization that emphasizes prayer, and I’ll show you a ministry where people are excited about Jesus Christ and are witnessing for Him.  (Witnessing Quotes) I wanted to convince you that you must learn to make every act count, since you are going to be here for only a short while, in fact, too short for witnessing all the marvels of it  (Witnessing Quotes) The world seems to be witnessing a deluge of ‘haterisms’, and racist propaganda because evil’s pain was born to die, and it’s time of tyranny is near the end. Don’t get caught up by the souls of wickedness; this ain’t your fight. ~T.F. Hodge  (Witnessing Quotes) The opportunity to orbit the Earth, witnessing multiple sunrises and sunsets every day, looking back to our small blue life-sustaining jewel from a distance, gives me the greatest sense of anticipation.  (Witnessing Quotes) The whole Bible is the story of men and women trying to get back to God, to overcome that sin with sacrifices, good works, sermons, prophesy, witnessing, giving all kinds of things. It never worked.  (Witnessing Quotes) And then I feel as if I’m witnessing a miracle, as ever so slowly she raises her face towards the moon. I watch her drink in the sight, sensing the flood of memories she’s unleashed and wanting nothing more than to let her know I’m here. But instead I stay where I am and stare up at the moon as well. And for the briefest instant, it almost feels like we’re together again  (Witnessing Quotes) What we are witnessing now is a clash of civilisations, not just between states but within them  (Witnessing Quotes) Instead of experiencing through the physical senses, I was now bobbing behind the body like a buoy at sea, cut loose from sensory solidity, separated from and witnessing the body from a vast distance  (Witnessing Quotes) I am sometimes accused by my peers of printing my pictures too dark. All I can say is that it goes with the mood of melancholy that is induced by witnessing at close quarters such intractable situations of conflict and joylessness  (Witnessing Quotes) We are witnessing the death of abundance and the borning of austerity, for what may be a long, long time  (Witnessing Quotes) Witnessing the pain of others is the very least you can do in this world. Its how you know that when your own turn comes, someone will be there with you  (Witnessing Quotes) Not wanting to see, not wanting to be in touch with one’s experience is something akin to cognitive laziness, an eclipse of the experiencer or inner witnessing in the person  (Witnessing Quotes) All humans realize they are loved when witnessing the dawn; early morning is the triumph of good over evil. Absolved by light we decide to go on  (Witnessing Quotes) What we are witnessing at the moment is a rearrangement of the world in an intermediate stage; the change is not in the use of a natural force but in the application of technique to all spheres of life  (Witnessing Quotes) No matter how many times I witness the miracle of someone having their sight restored, I’m still overwhelmed with emotion. When the eye patch comes off just 24 hours after surgery and you see that smile light up the room, you are witnessing a life being transformed  (Witnessing Quotes) Most people assume that meditation is all about stopping thoughts, getting rid of emotions, somehow controlling the mind. But actually it’s... about stepping back, seeing the thought clearly, witnessing it coming and going  (Witnessing Quotes)
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