Wives Quotes

Text Quotes
We bar girls don’t cheat on wives, we are just the rope that cheating husbands hang themselves with. (Wives Quotes)
Our children are not going to be just ‘our children’ - they are going to be other people’s husbands and wives and the parents of our grandchildren. (Wives Quotes)
Pastors started killing their church members and church members killed pastors. Husbands killed wives. It’s a situation no one can describe. (Wives Quotes)
The gossip mill on tour is always turning. I have to be a little careful about what I tell guys who I don’t consider close friends, because even though they might not spread it to other players, they’ll usually tell their wives. And once the wives get it, it’s gone. (Wives Quotes)
Well, it’s a tie and jacket and I just don’t travel with one, ... You’re not going to put a coat and tie on me for dinner. I’m just being honest. Plus, the wives can’t go and I’d rather see the wives be able to go instead of just all the guys. That makes it fun. (Wives Quotes)
To you wives who are constantly complaining and see only the dark side of life, and feel that you are unloved and unwanted, look into your own hearts and minds. If there is something wrong, turn about. Put a smile on your faces. Make yourselves more attractive. Brighten your outlook. (Wives Quotes)
Neither man nor woman is perfect or complete without the other. Thus, no marriage or family, no ward or stake is likely to reach its full potential until husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, men and women work together in unity of purpose, respecting and relying upon each other’s strengths. (Wives Quotes)
It’s the end of the day where wives stay home and raise the kids and all that. That demeaning stuff? No more. Country club memberships, that’s what you shoot for! To hell with that. (Wives Quotes)
Stripped of its plot, the ‘Iliad’ is a scattering of names and biographies of ordinary soldiers: men who trip over their shields, lose their courage or miss their wives. In addition to these, there is a cast of anonymous people: the farmers, walkers, mothers, neighbours who inhabit its similes. (Wives Quotes)
Husbands and wives, first be faithful to each other. Second, keep the romance going all of your life by courting each other every day. (Wives Quotes)
How many wives have been forced by the death of well-intentioned but too protective husbands to face reality late in life, bewildered and frightened because they were strangers to it! (Wives Quotes)
In India, love often follows marriage. I know many people who are still very deeply in love with their wives, who they barely knew before they were married. In America there’s this idea that how could someone get married without being deeply in love with each other? but in a lot of these cases feelings of love and affection actually grow after they’ve been legally and formally brought together. (Wives Quotes)
Wives invariably flourish when deserted; ... it is the deserting male, the reckless idealist rushing about the world seeking a non-existent felicity, who often ends in disaster. (Wives Quotes)
What’s the difference between sex and love? I have four wives and five kids. I apparently don’t know the difference. (Wives Quotes)
Geniuses are horrid, intolerant, easily offended, sleeplessly self-conscious men, who expect their wives to be angels with no further business in life than to pet and worship their husbands. Even at the best they are not comfortable men to live with; and a perfect husband is one who is perfectly comfortable to live with. (Wives Quotes)
To play a cop’s wife - there’s so much in that world, the wives or partners of anyone who is a first responder - it’s not an easy job. It’s not an easy way to live, to say goodbye to someone in the morning and not know what’s going to happen throughout the day. (Wives Quotes)
I wish I had five wives, one for each day of the workweek. This would leave me the weekends to enjoy time with my two mistresses. (Wives Quotes)
Have you heard of the most evil things done by people in their lifetime? They have coveted men’s wives, killed hundreds of Christians and sold their best friend’s life away for just a few coins. Isn’t it interesting that they were God’s chosen in the bible? ---Saul, Judas and King David (Wives Quotes)
All my ex-girlfriends or wives are all kind of great friends and I’ve never understood somebody who can live with somebody for five or six years and then not like them. (Wives Quotes)
Guys, don’t follow Elkanah’s example. Get involved at home. If God has given you a wife, put the effort into understanding her. Is it an impossible task? Most assuredly. But sometimes the challenging jobs are the most rewarding. Wives need men who engage and participate, not abdicate as parent and spouse. For too many husbands the lights are on, but nobody is home. (Wives Quotes)
I was extremely lucky that I had two great wives. It sounds a bit funny to say that, but it’s absolutely true. (Wives Quotes)
He had first been excited by Facebook, ghosts of old friends suddenly morphing to life with wives and husbands and children, and photos trailed by comments. But he began to be appalled by the air of unreality, the careful manipulation of images to create a parallel life, pictures that people had taken with Facebook in mind, placing in the background the things of which they were proud. (Wives Quotes)
The original fairy tale was about the youngest sister going into a room in the castle and finding all the bodies of the wives that came before her - she is confronted with truth, thinking about how often we think we know people and we really don’t. (Wives Quotes)
Not only, in strict truth, was marriage instituted for the propagation of the human race, but also that the lives of husbands and wives might be made better and happier. This comes about in many ways: by their lightening each other’s burdens through mutual help; by constant and faithful love; by having all their possessions in common; and by the heavenly grace which flows from the sacrament. (Wives Quotes)
These days, it’s often women in uniform - moms, wives, even grandmothers - who deploy and leave their families behind. (Wives Quotes)
Recognizing and preventing men’s health problems is not just a man’s issue. Because of its impact on wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters, men’s health is truly a family issue. (Wives Quotes)
Something is mighty wrong with our priorities when professing Christian men joke about their wives, joke about their children, and joke about God, but fight to the death over their favorite sports team. (Wives Quotes)
We broke through the feminine mystique and women who were wives, mothers and housewives began to find themselves as people. That didn’t mean they stopped, or had to stop, being mothers, wives or even liking their homes. (Wives Quotes)
I’ve been playing sexually aware women most of my life. At this point I expected to be playing moms and wives. It’s exciting to play a femme fatale. (Wives Quotes)
With few exceptions, the leading women in philanthropy, notably Melinda Gates, are the wives or daughters of rich and powerful men. (Wives Quotes)