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Wmd Quotes

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The Germans certainly - the intelligence service believed that there were WMD. It turns out that we were all wrong, probably in my judgment, and that is most disturbing  (Wmd Quotes) I’m saying that the WMD reporting was not consciously evil. It was bad journalism, even very bad journalism  (Wmd Quotes) If the thumbnail version of the Iraq war was that Bush lied about WMD, the thumbnail version of Obama’s war in Afghanistan is that the generals pushed him into a war he didn’t want to fight  (Wmd Quotes) I’m saying that the WMD reporting was not consciously evil. It was bad journalism, even very bad journalism.  (Wmd Quotes) Weapons of mass destruction violate more than individual lives - they cross international borders and jeopardize all people. They also drain resources that could be used instead for medicines, schools and other life-saving supplies. We must come together with even greater determination to prevent a WMD nightmare.  (Wmd Quotes) Israel has WMD, and it has to sign [chemical warfare agreement], and Israel is occupying our land, so that’s we talked about the Middle East, not Syria, not Israel ; it should be comprehensive.  (Wmd Quotes) We are against any WMD, any weapons of mass destruction, whether chemical or nuclear  (Wmd Quotes)