Wo Quotes

Text Quotes
The good man is the man who, no matter how morally unworthy he has been, is moving to become better (Wo Quotes)
The path of least resistance and least trouble is a mental rut already made. It requires troublesome work to undertake the alternation of old beliefs (Wo Quotes)
Just as a flower which seems beautiful and has color but no perfume, so are the fruitless words of the man who speaks them but does them not (Wo Quotes)
There is no discipline in the world so severe as the discipline of experience subjected to the tests of intelligent development and direction (Wo Quotes)
Every thinker puts some portion of an apparently stable world in peril and no one can wholly predict what will emerge in its place (Wo Quotes)
Any education given by a group tends to socialize its members, but the quality and the value of the socialization depends upon the habits and aims of the group. Hence, once more, the need of a measure for the worth of any given mode of social life (Wo Quotes)
An education could be given which would sift individuals, discovering what they were good for, and supplying a method of assigning each to the work in life for which his nature fits him (Wo Quotes)
Now in any social group whatever, even in a gang of thieves, we find some interest held in common, and we find a certain amount of interaction and cooperative intercourse with other groups. From these two traits we derive a standard (Wo Quotes)
It would be impossible to find a deeper sense of education in discovering and developing personal capacities, and training them so that they would connect with the activities of others (Wo Quotes)
Men's fundamental attitudes toward the world are fixed by the scope and qualities of the activities in which they partake (Wo Quotes)
We sometimes talk as if original research were a peculiar prerogative of scientists or at least of advanced students. But all thinking is research, and all research is native, original, with him who carries it on, even if everybody else in the world already is sure of what he is still looking for (Wo Quotes)
Individuality, conceived as a temporal development involves uncertainty, indeterminacy, or contingency. Individuality is the source of whatever is unpredictable in the world (Wo Quotes)
The mystery is that the world is at it is a mystery that is the source of all joy and all sorrow, of all hope and fear, and the source of development both creative and degenerative. The contingency of all into which time enters is the source of pathos, comedy, and tragedy (Wo Quotes)
Lost - Yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever (Wo Quotes)
Every hand and every hour should be devoted to rescue the world from its insanity of guilt, and to assuage the pangs of human hearts with balm and anodyne. To pity distress is but human; to relieve it is Godlike (Wo Quotes)
If ever there was a cause, if ever there can be a cause, worthy to be upheld by all of toil or sacrifice that the human heart can endure, it is the cause of Education (Wo Quotes)
Many a man gets weary of clamping down on his rough impulses, which if given occasional release would encourage the living of life with salt in it, in place of dust (Wo Quotes)
How often our bosom swells and our temples throb to a thought which proves itself not to be worth anything but for the exaltation we feel while the swelling and throbbing are going on, which after all is something (Wo Quotes)
Remembrance of hopes that were silly has an especial tenderness, for much of their silliness came from a thoughtless credulity which we would be glad to have back again (Wo Quotes)
It would be as natural for a full-grown tiger to mew as for a man released from the slavery of imitations ever to go back to his neighbor again with: What do you think of this? What do you advise about that? (Wo Quotes)
The darkness around us might somewhat light up if we would first practice using the light we have in the place we are (Wo Quotes)
If imagination would disentangle itself from absurdities, soon we should have it harnessed to reason, pulling the same plough (Wo Quotes)
Do not, on a rainy day, ask your child what he feels like doing, because I assure you that what he feels like doing, you won't feel like watching (Wo Quotes)
I never met anyone who didn't have a very smart child. What happens to these children, you wonder, when they reach adulthood? (Wo Quotes)
Your responsibility as a parent is not as great as you might imagine. You need not supply the world with the next conqueror of disease or major motion-picture star. If your child simply grows up to be someone who does not use the word collectible as a noun, you can consider yourself an unqualified success (Wo Quotes)
If you removed all of the homosexuals and homosexual influence from what is generally regarded as American culture, you would pretty much be left with Let's Make a Deal (Wo Quotes)
Girls who put out are tramps. Girls who don't are ladies. This is, however, a rather archaic usage of the word. Should one of you boys happen upon a girl who doesn't put out, do not jump to the conclusion that you have found a lady. What you have probably found is a Lesbian (Wo Quotes)
Editing is now the easiest thing on Earth to do, and all the things that evolved out of word processing - 'Oh, let's put that sentence there, let's get rid of this' - have become commonplace in films and music too (Wo Quotes)
Maybe you don't like your job, maybe you didn't get enough sleep, well nobody likes their job, nobody got enough sleep. Maybe you just had the worst day of your life, but you know, there's no escape, there's no excuse, so just suck up and be nice (Wo Quotes)
Men make angry music and it's called rock-and-roll; women include anger in their vocabulary and suddenly they're angry and militant (Wo Quotes)