Wole Soyinka Quotes

Text Quotes
My horizon on humanity is enlarged by reading the writers of poems, seeing a painting, listening to some music, some opera, which has nothing at all to do with a volatile human condition or struggle or whatever. It enriches me as a human being (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
And I believe that the best learning process of any kind of craft is just to look at the work of others (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
I’m not one of those writers I learned about who get up in the morning, put a piece of paper in their typewriter machine and start writing. That I’ve never understood (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
Power is domination, control, and therefore a very selective form of truth which is a lie (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
Books and all forms of writing are terror to those who wish to suppress the truth (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
Even when I’m writing plays I enjoy having company and mentally I think of that company as the company I’m writing for (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
I consider the process of gestation just as important as when you’re actually sitting down putting words to the paper (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
I don’t really consider myself a novelist, it just came out purely by accident (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
I found, when I left, that there were others who felt the same way. We’d meet, they’d come and seek me out, we’d talk about the future. And I found that their depression and pessimism was every bit as acute as mine (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
One, a mass movement from within, which, as you know, is constantly being put down brutally but which, again, regroups and moves forward as is happening right now as we are speaking (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
See, even despite pious statements to the contrary, much of the industrialized world has not yet come to terms with the recognition of the fallacy of what I call the strong man syndrome (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
The novel, for me, was an accident. I really don’t consider myself a novelist (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
Very conscious of the fact that an effort was being made to destroy my mind, because I was deprived of books, deprived of any means of writing, deprived of human companionship. You never know how much you need it until you’re deprived of it (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
But when you’re deprived of it for a lengthy period then you value human companionship. But you have to survive and so you devise all kinds of mental exercises and it’s amazing (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
Some of us – poets are not exactly poets. We live sometimes – beyond the word (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
Well, some people say I’m pessimistic because I recognize the eternal cycle of evil. All I say is, look at the history of mankind right up to this moment and what do you find? (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
Culture is a matrix of infinite possibilities and choices. From within the same culture matrix we can extract arguments and strategies for the degradation and ennoblement of our species, for its enslavement or liberation, for the suppression of its productive potential or its enhancement (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
Don’t take shadows too seriously. Reality is your only safety. Continue to reject illusion (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
We live in a materialist world, and materialism appeals so strongly to humanity, no matter where (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
History teaches us to beware of the excitation of the liberated and the injustices that often accompany their righteous thirst for justice (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
You cannot live a normal existence if you haven’t taken care of a problem that affects your life and affects the lives of others, values that you hold which in fact define your very existence (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
I know there are writers who get up every morning and sit by their typewriter or word processor or pad of paper and wait to write. I don’t function that way. I go through a long period of gestation before I’m even ready to write (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
I don’t know any other way to live but to wake up everyday armed with my convictions, not yielding them to the threat of danger and to the power and force of people who might despise me (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
Obasanjo has openly endorsed violence as a means of governance, embraced and empowered individuals whose avowed declarations, confessions and acts are cynically contrary to the mandate that alone upholds the legitimacy and dignity of his office (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
There's a kind of dynamic quality about theater and that dynamic quality expresses itself in relation to, first of all, the environment in which it's being staged; then the audience, the nature of the audience, the quality of the audience (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
Colonialism bred an innate arrogance, but when you undertake that sort of imperial adventure, that arrogance gives way to a feeling of accommodativeness. You take pride in your openness (Wole Soyinka Quotes)
But theater, because of its nature, both text, images, multimedia effects, has a wider base of communication with an audience. That’s why I call it the most social of the various art forms (Wole Soyinka Quotes)