Woman Quotes

Text Quotes
Beauty is as relative as light and dark. Thus, there exists no beautiful woman, none at all, because you are never certain that a still far more beautiful woman will not appear and completely shame the supposed beauty of the first (Woman Quotes)
Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote. The relative positions to be assumed by man and woman in the working out of our civilization were assigned long ago by a higher intelligence than ours (Woman Quotes)
The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her if she is pretty and to someone else if she is plain (Woman Quotes)
When a man does exactly what a woman expects him to do she doesn't think much of him. One should always do what a woman doesn't expect, just as one should say what she doesn't understand (Woman Quotes)
When a woman marries again, it is because she detested her first husband. When a man marries again, it is because he adored his first wife. Women try their luck; men risk theirs (Woman Quotes)
Twenty years of romance make a woman look like a ruin; but twenty years of marriage make her something like a public building (Woman Quotes)
My mother is an amazing woman. Not only did she manage the entire household, she noticed a gift in each of her kids and instilled confidence in all of us that that gift would take us wherever we wanted to go (Woman Quotes)
If a woman wants to hold a man, she has merely to appeal to what is worst in him. We make gods of men, and they leave us. Others make brutes of them and they fawn and are faithful (Woman Quotes)
Talk to every woman as if you loved her, and to every man as if he bored you, and at the end of your first season you will have the reputation of possessing the most perfect social tact (Woman Quotes)
To be completely woman you need a master, and in him a compass for your life. You need a man you can look up to and respect. If you dethrone him it's no wonder that you are discontented, and discontented women are not loved for long (Woman Quotes)
One should never trust a woman who tells one her real age. A woman who would tell one that would tell one anything (Woman Quotes)
The great principle of Western society is that competition rules here as it rules in everything else. The best man - that is to say, the strongest and cleverest - is likely to get the best woman, in the sense of the most beautiful person (Woman Quotes)
Is woman a religion? Well, perhaps you will have the chance of judging for yourselves if you go to America. There you will find men treating women with just the same respect formerly accorded only to religious dignitaries or to great nobles (Woman Quotes)
A mutual and satisfied sexual act is of great benefit to the average woman, the magnetism of it is health giving. When it is not desired on the part of the woman and she gives no response, it should not take place (Woman Quotes)
Woman must have her freedom, the fundamental freedom of choosing whether or not she will be a mother and how many children she will have. Regardless of what man's attitude may be, that problem is hers - and before it can be his, it is hers alone (Woman Quotes)
Memory is a great artist. For every man and for every woman it makes the recollection of his or her life a work of art and an unfaithful record (Woman Quotes)
I haven't trusted polls since I read that 62% of women had affairs during their lunch hour. I've never met a woman in my life who would give up lunch for sex (Woman Quotes)
There is nothing in the whole world so unbecoming to a woman as a Nonconformist conscience (Woman Quotes)
She wore far too much rouge last night and not quite enough clothes. That is always a sign of despair in a woman (Woman Quotes)
Whether you be man or woman you will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor (Woman Quotes)
She is absolutely inadmissible into society. Many a woman has a past, but I am told that she has at least a dozen, and that they all fit (Woman Quotes)
The only way a woman can ever reform her husband is by boring him so completely that he loses all possible interest in life (Woman Quotes)
Marriage made more sense when it was indissoluble. It's the woman trying to cope with the strains of a one parent family who will suffer most from the relaxation of the divorce laws (Woman Quotes)
Whether a party can have much success without a woman present I must ask others to decide, but one thing is certain, no party is any fun unless seasoned with folly (Woman Quotes)
Pregnancy is a kind of miracle. Especially so in that it proves that a man and woman can conspire to force God to create a new soul (Woman Quotes)
The house a woman creates is a Utopia. She can't help it - can't help trying to interest her nearest and dearest not in happiness itself but in the search for it (Woman Quotes)
It is the woman - nearly always - in spite of all the advances of modern feminism, who still takes responsibility for the bulk of the chores, as well as doing her paid job. This is true even in households where men try to be unselfish and to do their share (Woman Quotes)
I begin to think, that a calm is not desirable in any situation in life. Every object is beautiful in motion; a ship under sail, trees gently agitated with the wind, and a fine woman dancing, are three instances in point. Man was made for action and for bustle too, I believe (Woman Quotes)
Except the American woman, nothing interests the eye of American man more than the automobile, or seems so important to him as an object of aesthetic appreciation (Woman Quotes)
There's good reason to be excited. You have the first woman running who is qualified, and a very attractive African American who has demonstrated crossover appeal. I got involved in politics 40 years ago during the civil rights movement, so yes, it's an exciting thing (Woman Quotes)