Womb Quotes

Text Quotes
I’ve been performing since I came out of the womb. I’ve been dancing and singing since I was a toddler. Acting seemed like a natural progression from that (Womb Quotes)
Faith considers that its precariousness and its finiteness are but the womb in which it abides, moving toward the plenitude and fullness of the eternity which it desires and believes in and which revelation opens to it (Womb Quotes)
Most things are born in the mothering darkness and most things die. Darkness is the womb of creation, my boy. But the sun with his seven horns of flame is the father of life (Womb Quotes)
I’m fascinated by twins. It’s such an interesting thing. I’m an only child, so I don’t have a sibling. But, if you think about the bond that siblings have, that intensifies so much when you think about being in the womb together (Womb Quotes)
We live in grief for having left the womb, for having left the teat, then school, then home. In my case, it was leaving marriages, and the death of my wife (Womb Quotes)
Every one of us is, even from his mother’s womb, a master craftsman of idols (Womb Quotes)
You fall out of your mother’s womb, you crawl across open country under fire, and drop into your grave (Womb Quotes)
Everything can change, but not the language that we carry inside us, like a world more exclusive and final than one’s mother’s womb (Womb Quotes)
Dread not infanticide; the crime is imaginary: we are always mistress of what we carry in our womb, and we do no more harm in destroying this kind of matter than in evacuating another, by medicines, when we feel the need (Womb Quotes)
A man’s heart is a wretched, wretched thing. It isn’t like a mother’s womb. It won’t bleed. It won’t stretch to make room for you (Womb Quotes)
We fall from womb to tomb, from one blackness and toward another, remembering little of the one and knowing nothing of the other... except through faith (Womb Quotes)
If it seems more horrible to kill a man in his own house, then in a field,... it ought surely to be deemed more atrocious to destroy a fetus in the womb before it has come to light (Womb Quotes)
My mother always said that I was born out of a bottle of vinegar instead of born from a womb and that she and my father bathed me in sugar for three days to wash it off. I try to behave, but I always go back to the vinegar (Womb Quotes)
Did you know that mako shark fetuses eat each other in the womb?... Its true. Only cannibal fetuses survive to be born. Can you imagine if people were like that? (Womb Quotes)
Once you leave the womb, conservatives don’t care about you until you reach military age. Then you’re just what they’re looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers (Womb Quotes)
I do not believe in inheriting your position in society based on which womb you come from... I think a rich person should leave his children enough so they can do anything, but not enough so they can do nothing (Womb Quotes)
Even as the unborn babe is in the womb of his mother, these five are fixed as his life destiny: his life span, his activities, his acquisition of wealth and knowledge, and his time of death (Womb Quotes)
All beings come from a mother’s womb. We should have a clear realization of the oneness of all humanity (Womb Quotes)
The greatest ideas, the most profound thoughts, and the most beautiful poetry are born from the womb of silence (Womb Quotes)
The unborn baby, though enclosed in the womb of its mother, is already a human being, and should not be robbed of the life which it has not yet begun to enjoy (Womb Quotes)
I’m up here in this womb, I’m looking all around. We’ll, I’m looking out my belly button window and I see a whole lot of frowns (Womb Quotes)
No one knows what the nongenetic causes of individuality are. Perhaps people are shaped by modifications of genes that take place after conception, or by haphazard fluctuations in the chemical soup in the womb or the wiring up of the brain or the expression of the genes themselves (Womb Quotes)
It requires twenty years for a man to rise from the vegetable state in which he is within his mother’s womb, and from the pure animal state which is the lot of his early childhood, to the state when the maturity of reason begins to appear. It has required thirty centuries to learn a little about his structure. It would need eternity to learn something about his soul. It takes an instant to kill him (Womb Quotes)
He appeared before me and departed. We were not able to speak to or touch each other. But in that short interval, he transformed many things inside me. He literally stirred my mind and body the way a spoon stirs a cup of cocoa, down to the depths of my internal organs and my womb (Womb Quotes)
The same is the case when you enter a womb, enter into a fresh body, and start the journey of desires. But if you die alert, in that alertness not only the body dies, all desires evaporate. Then there is no entering into a womb. Then entering a womb is such a painful process, it is so painful that consciously you cannot do it; only unconsciously you can do it (Womb Quotes)
This work should commence with the conception of man, and should describe the nature of the womb, and how the child inhabits it, and in what stage it dwells there, and the manner of its quickening and feeding, and its growth, and what interval there is between one stage of growth and another, and what thing drives it forth from the body of the mother, and for what reason it sometimes emerges from the belly of its mother before the due time (Womb Quotes)
For the fetus, though enclosed in the womb of its mother, is already a human being, and it is a monstrous crime to rob it of the life which it has not yet begun to enjoy. If it seems more horrible to kill a man in his own house than in a field, because a man’s house is his place of most secure refuge, it ought surely to be deemed more atrocious to destroy a fetus in the womb before it has come to light (Womb Quotes)
The birth of a true poet is neither an insignificant event nor an easy delivery. Complications generally begin long before the fated soul carries its dubious light into whatever womb has been kind enough to volunteer the intricate machinery of its blood and prayers and muscles for a gestation period much longer than nine months or even nine years (Womb Quotes)
And I remember that the editors wanted to have a witness to say that this was really the case, because it was a very sharp picture of the just the face, the head of the fetus inside the womb (Womb Quotes)
If ever we had proof that our nation’s pollution laws aren’t working, it’s reading the list of industrial chemicals in the bodies of babies who have not yet lived outside the womb (Womb Quotes)