Women Quotes

Text Quotes
I get scared because I regard women as the most beautiful creatures in the world (Women Quotes)
My theory is that men are no more liberated than women (Women Quotes)
The bearing of a child takes nine months, no matter how many women are assigned (Women Quotes)
Women alone always order sole. It means something (Women Quotes)
Men go to the theatre to forget; women, to remember (Women Quotes)
Women singly do a good deal of harm. Women in bulk are chastening (Women Quotes)
Women never use their intelligence, except when they need to prop up their intuition (Women Quotes)
Women see through each other, but they rarely look into themselves (Women Quotes)
Women are smarter than men because they listen (Women Quotes)
In the past, few women have tried and even fewer have succeeded (Women Quotes)
Women have been trained to speak softly and carry a lipstick. Those days are over (Women Quotes)
There are some women who should barely be spoken to; they should only be caressed (Women Quotes)
There are three things I have loved but never understood. Art, music and women (Women Quotes)
Men are gentle, honest and straightforward. Women are convoluted, deceptive and dangerous (Women Quotes)
If women were humbler, men would be more honest (Women Quotes)
The indifference of men, far more than their tyranny, is the torment of women (Women Quotes)
Women will sometimes confess their sins, but I never knew one to confess her faults (Women Quotes)
How chronic is the unconcern of men and women of the world! (Women Quotes)
Maturity is most rapid in the low latitudes, where pineapples and women most do thrive (Women Quotes)
Women are not apt to be won by the charms of verse (Women Quotes)
It is said that friendship between women is only a suspension of hostilities (Women Quotes)
If women only knew the extent of their power! (Women Quotes)
Most women indulge in idle gossip, which is the henchman of rumor and scandal (Women Quotes)
With all women gentleness is the most persuasive and powerful argument (Women Quotes)
Women have the understanding of the heart, which is better than that of the head (Women Quotes)
The great fault in women is to desire to be like men (Women Quotes)
Friendship between two women is always a plot against another one (Women Quotes)
Women do act their part when they do make their ordered houses know them (Women Quotes)
Men make the moral code and they expect women to accept it (Women Quotes)
Dress is the great business of all women, and the fixed idea of some (Women Quotes)