Women Quotes

Text Quotes
When I taught, all my best students were women (Women Quotes)
She made people accept that women had the right to control their own destinies (Women Quotes)
If the world was taking care of women, women would take care of the world (Women Quotes)
Women, I believe, learn to think on their feet, to cope with change and survive (Women Quotes)
Women temper men. We have a good influence on them (Women Quotes)
Men are superior to women. For one thing, men can urinate from a speeding car (Women Quotes)
No man knows more about women than I do, and I know nothing (Women Quotes)
Without women, we stood in space on one leg only (Women Quotes)
Some leaders are born women (Women Quotes)
What do women want? Shoes (Women Quotes)
If women ruled the world and we all got massages, there would be no war (Women Quotes)
People shouldn’t be ashamed of their bodies... especially women (Women Quotes)
I am for wine and the embrace of questionable women (Women Quotes)
Leave it to women to be cryptic rather than straightforward (Women Quotes)
A funny thing about women and machines: the combination made men curious (Women Quotes)
Girls and women are most victimised in societies where boys and men are disempowered (Women Quotes)
Son, feelings are what women have. They come from their ovaries (Women Quotes)
Women should stick together. Didn’t you learn anything yet? (Women Quotes)
Obviously the most oppressed of any oppressed group will be its women (Women Quotes)
There are as many sorts of women as there are women (Women Quotes)
Until mothers earn their livings, women will not (Women Quotes)
One percent of ballplayers are leaders of men. The other 99 percent are followers of women (Women Quotes)
I don’t think men are the enemy. I think women are the enemy (Women Quotes)
Let the generations know that women in uniform also guaranteed their freedom (Women Quotes)
If you want to get somewhere in this life, learn to draw beautiful women (Women Quotes)
Soccer was invented by man but perfected by women (Women Quotes)
I cannot praise the common superfluity which women now use in their apparel (Women Quotes)
Women will change the nature of power, rather than power changing the nature of women (Women Quotes)
To generalize on women is dangerous. To specialize in them is infinitely worse (Women Quotes)
Women should be someone and not something (Women Quotes)