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Women Quotes

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Among all these stupid pretty women she had such a sense of power, of knowing almost everything better than they did  (Women Quotes) I believe there is a theory that men and women emerge finer and stronger after suffering, and that to advance in this or any world we must endure ordeal by fire  (Women Quotes) Men are simpler than you imagine my sweet child. But what goes on in the twisted, tortuous minds of women would baffle anyone  (Women Quotes) All this talk of equality between the sexes is merely an expression of sex - hate. Men and women should learn tenderness to each other and to leave one another alone  (Women Quotes) There was something rather blousy about roses in full bloom, something shallow and raucous, like women with untidy hair  (Women Quotes) Some things can't be ravished. You can't ravish a tin of sardines. And so many women are like that: and men. But the Earth...!  (Women Quotes) They lived freely among the students, they argued with the men over philosophical, sociological and artistic matters, they were just as good as the men themselves: only better, since they were women  (Women Quotes) Women have many faults, but the worst of them all is that they are too pleased with themselves and take too little pains to please the men  (Women Quotes) All good men and women should be on their guard to avoid guilt, and even the suspicion of it  (Women Quotes) Women have many faults, but of the many this is the greatest, that they please themselves too much, and give too little attention to pleasing the men  (Women Quotes) I know that we women are all justly accounted praters; they say in the present day that there never was in any age such a wonder to be found as a dumb woman  (Women Quotes) For this is the journey that men and women make, to find themselves. If they fail in this, it doesn't matter much else what they find  (Women Quotes) Sylvie was surprised by the rabid patriotism of the women on the platform, surely war should make pacifists of all women?  (Women Quotes) Women seemed to him to be in possession of all kinds of undesirable properties, chiefly madness  (Women Quotes) All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win is for enough good women to do nothing  (Women Quotes) Lesbian existence comprises both the breaking of a taboo and the rejection of a compulsory way of life. It is also a direct or indirect attack on the male right of access to women  (Women Quotes) The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet  (Women Quotes) The repossession by women of our bodies will bring far more essential change to human society than the seizing of the means of production by workers  (Women Quotes) Re-vision the act of looking back, of seeing with fresh eyes, of entering an old text from a new critical direction - is for women more than a chapter in cultural history: it is an act of survival  (Women Quotes) Most women have not even been able to touch this anger, except to drive it inward like a rusted nail  (Women Quotes) It is odd enough to see how the entrance of a person of the opposite sex into an assemblage of either men or women calms down the little discordances and the disturbance of mood  (Women Quotes) There are as many kinds of love as there are flowers and bugs put together but men and women and their needs are all the same  (Women Quotes) Some women pray for their daughters to marry good husbands. I pray that my girls will find girlfriends half as loyal and true as the YaYas  (Women Quotes) It was the kind... of Southern women... who believe... that it is impossible to arrive in a new place without a pair of shoes to match every possible change of clothes  (Women Quotes) Women are queer, unreasoning creatures, and are just as likely as not to love a man who has been throwing away his affection  (Women Quotes) She was indeed a girl of exquisite beauty. She was one of those languid women made of dark honey smooth and sweet and terribly sticky  (Women Quotes) The perfect disinterestedness and self devotion of which men seem incapable, but which is sometimes found in women  (Women Quotes) The whole tone of Church teaching in regard to women is, to the last degree, contemptuous and degrading  (Women Quotes) Women of all classes are awakening to the necessity of self support, but few are willing to do the ordinary useful work for which they are fitted  (Women Quotes) All honor to the noble women that have devoted earnest lives to the intellectual needs of mankind!  (Women Quotes)
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