Women Quotes

Text Quotes
Yes, women are stronger than us. They face more directly the problems that confront them, and for that reason they are much more spectacular to talk about. I don’t know why I am more interested in women, because I don’t go to any psychiatrists, and I don’t want to know why (Women Quotes)
No one told me about boys. I had to figure it out myself. The first thing I learned was that sometimes they grow slower than women mentally (Women Quotes)
When women smoke, it is hard for them to quit because they are so worried about their weight; it’s a vanity issue and a mindset (Women Quotes)
I don’t look so closely at women’s fashion, but from the 20th century on, people have had the freedom to express themselves and their individualities, and fashion is one of the most fundamental ways in which they do this, men and women are equally able to express themselves (Women Quotes)
Older women know who they are, and that makes them more beautiful than younger ones. I like to see a face with some character. I want to see lines. I want to see wrinkles (Women Quotes)
When a baby is in the room with two women, and one is considered more beautiful than the other, the infant’s eyes will go to the more beautiful one (Women Quotes)
Intuition is truly a feminine quality, but women should not mistake rash conclusions for this gift (Women Quotes)
I wasn’t born thin. I train. But I would never starve myself. I mean, what is happening with women these days? I just couldn’t see myself looking that thin. I like a bit of waist and leg (Women Quotes)
It’s not fair that there aren’t very many juicy or varied roles for women (Women Quotes)
Women have got to make the world safe for men, since men have made it so darned unsafe for women (Women Quotes)
When I was growing up, the men in my life were abusive; women were the ones I ran to for comfort (Women Quotes)
Few women care to be laughed at and men not at all, except for large sums of money (Women Quotes)
I’ll continue to work to ensure that safety and I am honored to have earned the endorsement of the men and women who provide public safety in our city (Women Quotes)
In my ballets, woman is first. Men are consorts. God made men to sing the praises of women. They are not equal to men: They are better (Women Quotes)
The only defense is offense, which means that you have to kill more women and children more quickly than the enemy if you wish to save yourselves (Women Quotes)
First of all it’s usually women who run these higher primate sanctuaries, rarely men. They are white. They come from privileged backgrounds. They are educated (Women Quotes)
Corporations are social organizations, the theater in which men and women realize or fail to realize purposeful and productive lives (Women Quotes)
The reason good women like me and flock to my pictures is that there is a little bit of vampire instinct in every woman (Women Quotes)
In all the horror films that I have done, all of those women were strong women. I don’t feel I ever played the victim, although I was always in jeopardy (Women Quotes)
Most women outlive their spouses. Divorce remains at record rates. Its important for a woman to be able to control her finances (Women Quotes)
Some studies show that women can be better money managers than men because they tend to be more conservative and do their homework. Men tend to take more risks without the research (Women Quotes)
I’ve definitely, you know, been with women. And I’ve had great relationships with them where I was definitely in love. It’s just I grew to a point where deep inside I knew that I could never truly have a relationship with a woman. I don’t know if they ever suspected. It was never brought up (Women Quotes)
I said, wouldn’t it be nice, instead of having these women fight with each other over men, which seems to be more of a cliche, wouldn’t it be wonderful if they were the true comrades and it took these men much more time to infiltrate their friendships (Women Quotes)
I’m just talking specifically of women’s friendships. If two women go to a bar and they are fighting over men, it makes it much easier for the men. If two women are very close and they act as it makes it very difficult for the men to pull one over on anybody (Women Quotes)
My work on human capital began with an effort to calculate both private and social rates of return to men, women, blacks, and other groups from investments in different levels of education (Women Quotes)
There are a lot of funny people and a lot of unfunny people. Some of them are women and some of them are dudes (Women Quotes)
I long to speak out the intense inspiration that comes to me from the lives of strong women (Women Quotes)
I rarely drink, I don’t smoke, so my vice is probably creating. I’m addicted to creating. And women (Women Quotes)
Man is a question; woman is an answer. The mistake women make today is to offer themselves as answers before being questioned (Women Quotes)
I’d been around women who put me down, made me feel bad, or said things to fuel my insecurity (Women Quotes)