Won Quotes

Text Quotes
Never have a picture of a well-adjusted African on the cover of your book, or in it, unless that African has won the Nobel prize. (Won Quotes)
When I won my way to the international science fair, I didn’t want to embarrass myself. It was the first time I was going to be away from home, the first time taking an airplane. I went to the local library, checked out every single etiquette book, and I read those books like I was uncovering some sort of treasure. (Won Quotes)
You weren’t born to live a life of failure. God brought you into this world to fight with faith and courage until each and every one of your battles is won. So by all means, always keep your mind strong, head up, and keep on fighting. (Won Quotes)
We have scaled the heights of Mount Everest, dominated the Southeast Asian games, we have won international beauty titles, and of course punched our way to triumph in the boxing world. Our people compete and win every day in every imaginable job throughout the world. (Won Quotes)
Dear Mr. Henshaw’ came about because two different boys from different parts of the country asked me to write a book about a boy whose parents were divorced, and so I wrote ‘Dear Mr. Henshaw,’ and it won the Newbery, and I was - it’s been very popular. (Won Quotes)
Your men are brave men, And you have won. I can live with that, Earl of Bronze a poor man would I be if I could not. (Won Quotes)
I never felt I could be a complete professional without having won the British Open. It was something you had to do to complete your career. (Won Quotes)
Bolshoi Babylon is the work of filmmakers Mark Franchetti and Nicholas Read. Franchetti has been a Moscow-based journalist for 18 years. He won a British Press Award for his coverage of the 2002 Moscow theater siege in which 130 hostages were killed. He’s covered Russian politics and the war in Ukraine. (Won Quotes)
I don’t care how many championships you’ve won or how many records you’ve broken - if you’ve had a hand in pushing forward not only a game but women in sport’s movement, then I think that’s pretty darn good. (Won Quotes)
My big advert was for ketchup. I come home from school, cook my brother and sister their dinner, ride my bike in the garden. Remember that one? People cried at that advert. It won awards. I was 12. (Won Quotes)
In the 1990s, Islamists in Algeria won elections like the Brotherhood did in Egypt. The Algerian military refused to allow the Islamists to take power. A war erupted, killing between 100,000 to 200,000 people, depending on which estimates are to be believed. (Won Quotes)
Start to focus on things that unite the races of people instead of things that divide us, and you will have already won the battle, and are a building block to the solution. (Won Quotes)
As recent as the year 2000 we won elections by saying we shouldn’t be the policemen of the world, and that we should not be nation building. And its time we got those values back into this country. (Won Quotes)
When you wake up each morning with a burning passion to accomplish a goal, you’ve already won the day. (Won Quotes)
Our efforts must be bent in the direction of convincing the great mass of working people of this country of the necessity of our winning and retaining our place in business and commerce. That place can be won only through the workers’ own efforts and through their own efficiency. (Won Quotes)
Be leery of silence. It doesn’t mean you won the argument. Often, people are just busy reloading their guns. (Won Quotes)
Feb. 9, 1999 Dear Friend, Without your previous support, Bill Clinton and I would not have won our victories for the American people in 1992 and 1996. ... And to win in 2000, I need you by my side. (Won Quotes)
It’s time to close the books on infectious diseases, declare the war against pestilence won, and shift national resources to such chronic problems as cancer and heart disease. (Won Quotes)
Less than seventy-five years after it officially began, the contest between capitalism and socialism is over: capitalism has won. (Won Quotes)
If you think my career has been a failure because I have never won a national title, you have another thing coming. (Won Quotes)
Minute to Win It’ is a variation on a game show from the 1950s called ‘Beat the Clock,’ in which contestants won washing machines and fox stoles by doing such pointless stunts as catching a tennis ball in a paper cup or knocking a hat off one’s wife’s head with a whipped-cream spritzer. (Won Quotes)
The reason I went to an all-boys Catholic school was because they had the best football team. We won the state championship my junior year. It was super-competitive. We lost in the semifinals my senior year, and it still haunts me. (Won Quotes)
If the central contest of the twentieth century has pitted capitalism against socialism, then F. A. Hayek has been its central figure. He helped us to understand why capitalism won by a knockout. It was Hayek who elaborated the basic argument demonstrating that central planning was nothing else but an impoverishing fantasy. (Won Quotes)
I think if we ban certain religions, if we censor the Internet, I think that at that point the terrorists will have won. (Won Quotes)
If I would have listened to other people back in 2000 telling me I should have stopped playing basketball because of a kidney disease, I wouldn’t have won a world championship. (Won Quotes)
A lot of people talk about the Fab Five, and they were wonderful, one of the best teams you’ll ever see in college basketball. But the 89 team is the best one to ever play at Michigan in my opinion because they won the national championship. Winning a championship is winning a championship. (Won Quotes)
No matter how much you’ve won, no matter how many games, no matter how many championships, no matter how many Super Bowls, you’re not winning now, so you stink. (Won Quotes)
I loved going to the Knicks because we won the Atlantic Division championship. We went from winning 21 games or 19 games to winning 52 games in a short period of time. I loved coaching Patrick Ewing and Charles Oakley and all those guys. (Won Quotes)
When I leave the NBA, I don’t want my legacy to be, ‘He won a championship ring.’ I want my legacy to say: ‘He played for the people. He gave everybody in the world hope that they can be just like him.’ (Won Quotes)
Obama won the presidency on the strength of his message and the skills of the messenger. Now the talk of hope and change feels out of tune when so many Americans are out of work, over-mortgaged, and worried that life will be even tougher for their children. (Won Quotes)