Woody Allen Quotes

Text Quotes
I wouldn’t mind dying so much if it wasn’t that I would be dead at the end of it (Woody Allen Quotes)
Science is an intellectual dead end, you know? It’s a lot of little guys in tweed suits cutting up frogs on foundation grants. (Woody Allen Quotes)
It is impossible to experience one’s death objectively and still carry a tune (Woody Allen Quotes)
On the plus side, death is one of the few things that can be done as easily lying down . (Woody Allen Quotes)
My ex-wife was a philosophy major at NYU. Yeah, she and I used to have deep philosophical discussions where she would prove that I didn’t exist. (Woody Allen Quotes)
You’ll find as you go through life that great depth and smoldering sensuality don’t always win. (Woody Allen Quotes)
If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign you’re not doing anything very innovative. (Woody Allen Quotes)
I’d always wanted to be a dramatic. Comedy comes more naturally to me. I can do it with more facility. So I feel more comfortable with it. (Woody Allen Quotes)
Don’t think of death as an ending. Think of it as a really effective way of cutting down your expenses. (Woody Allen Quotes)
I was a nervous child, I was a bedwetter. I used to sleep with an electric blanket and I was constantly electrocuting myself. (Woody Allen Quotes)
The artist can’t give you an answer that’s satisfying to the dreadful reality of your existence. So the best you can do is maybe entertain people and refresh them for an hour-and-a-half. (Woody Allen Quotes)
Your still searching for me in every woman. You’ll always seek to duplicate what we had. You know it. (Woody Allen Quotes)
I’m in show business. I’m not like a poor factory worker who’d been laid off. (Woody Allen Quotes)
Growing up, my two favorite books were Woody Allen’s ‘Side Effects’ and Phyllis Diller’s ‘Housekeeping Hints.’ I carried that Phyllis Diller book with me everywhere when I was in fifth or sixth grade. Eventually, it just fell apart. (Woody Allen Quotes)
Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering - and it’s all over much too soon (Woody Allen Quotes)
I’ve never dated a fictional character before. The closest I ever came was an Italian. (Woody Allen Quotes)
The food in this place is really terrible. Yes, and such small portions. That’s essentially how I feel about life. (Woody Allen Quotes)
As the author you know how you want it to appear on screen and it’s always the content dictating the form. (Woody Allen Quotes)
To me there’s no real difference between a fortune teller or a fortune cookie and any of the organized religions. They’re all equally valid or invalid, really. And equally helpful. (Woody Allen Quotes)
I don’t have to ‘freedom-kiss’ my wife when what I really want to do is French-kiss her. (Woody Allen Quotes)
Paris is a very exciting city. I learned about Paris the same way that Americans do: from the movies. (Woody Allen Quotes)
Life is hard for insects. And don’t think mice are having any fun either. (Woody Allen Quotes)
Since I was a kid, I could make up stories, I could make up funny jokes and I could always do it. When I’m walking down the street or having dinner, ideas will hit me, and I write them down on matchbooks or napkins and throw them in the draw. (Woody Allen Quotes)
And in all of Babylonia there was wailing and gnashing of teeth, ‘til the prophets bade the multitudes get a grip on themselves and shape up. (Woody Allen Quotes)
All the crap they tell you about... getting joy and having a kind of wisdom in your golden years - it’s all tripe. (Woody Allen Quotes)
I want to tell you a terrific story about oral contraception. I asked this girl to sleep with me and she said ‘No. (Woody Allen Quotes)
Man was made in God`s image. Do you really think God has red hair and glasses? (Woody Allen Quotes)
Someday the lion is going to lie down with the lamb, but the lamb isn’t going to get much sleep. (Woody Allen Quotes)
The good sleep better, but the bad seem to enjoy the waking hours much more (Woody Allen Quotes)
Have you ever noticed that good people sleep better, but bad people seem to have more fun when they’re awake? (Woody Allen Quotes)