Word Of Mouth Quotes
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Text Quotes
The word liberty in the mouth of Mr. Webster sounds like the word love in the mouth of a courtesan (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
A characteristic of older folksongs, in most cases, is that we don’t know their composers or authors. Older folksongs were written often with no commercial purpose in mind. They were passed down by word of mouth, from generation to generation (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
You cannot sell a man who isn’t listening; word of mouth is the best medium of all; and dullness won’t sell your product, but neither will irrelevant brilliance (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
Folklore used to be passed by word of mouth, from one generation to the next; thats what makes it folklore, as opposed to, say, history, which is written down and stored in an archive (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
Credentials are like potential energy, the compliments of a name on paper, in documents, word of mouth, but faith is like kinetic energy, the motion and the force that which is witnessed. Hence in the end it is the faith rather than the credentials that really takes you places (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
I think films would get a lot better if people paid leaving the cinema. There’s a whole business plan of opening terrible films in hundreds of cinemas and then closing them when the word of mouth gets out (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
People are social beings and want interaction and social learning is the primary form of learning, just as word of mouth advertising is the highest form of advertising (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
Hollywood can buy a lot of pieces of the puzzle, but the great thing is they can never buy word of mouth (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
If you’re not doing something that people will remark on, then it’s going to be hard to generate word of mouth (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
The history of the world, as it is written and handed down by word of mouth, often fails us completely; but man’s intuitive capacity, though it often misleads, does lead, does not ever abandon one (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
Remember that it is not enough to abstain from lying by word of mouth; for the worst lies are often conveyed by a false look, smile, or act (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
‘Awkward Black Girl’ is spreading to all the right people because of word of mouth and social networks. I’m so grateful (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
I think that the corporation is running it and will always make it appeal to the lowest common denominator. I think we’re going to have to forget about the radio and just go back to word of mouth (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
I did not make this a long film for its own sake. I wanted to make an entertaining film and offer it out there for those who want to see it. If word of mouth suggests there is an audience out there, hopefully their cinema will show it (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
I’m one of a dying breed who goes out and tours all the time. Labels don’t spend the money to send people out to play before they become famous, but we did do that so the fans we have are word of mouth fans who have been travelling around with us for years, and they buy the albums, but they are also the ones who go out and get the bootlegs. I don’t discourage bootlegging, I like playing live, I don’t think it hurts my album sales at all if there are bootlegs out there. Who cares? (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
The literature has become too vast to comprehend... It is... difficult to grasp even for workers in closely neighboring fields... There is much more reliance on word of mouth for the transmission of scientific data... gossip (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
Free publicity and word of mouth is probably the best and cheapest form of advertising. Learn to use it to your advantage (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
It is much better to learn the elements of geology, of botany, or ornithology and astronomy by word of mouth from a companion than dully from a book (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
To me, the big thing in being a successful team is repetition of what you’re doing, either by word of mouth, blackboard, or specifically by work on the field. You repeat, repeat, repeat as a unit (Word Of Mouth Quotes)
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