Word Quotes

Text Quotes
I’ve always followed my father’s advice: he told me, first to always keep my word and, second, to never insult anybody unintentionally. If I insult you, you can be goddamn sure I intend to. And, third, he told me not to go around looking for trouble (Word Quotes)
Pilots are a rare kind of human. They leave the ordinary surface of the word, to purify their soul in the sky, and they come down to earth, only after receiving the communion of the infinite (Word Quotes)
Idolizing is a strong word, though. I’m happy that people respond well to the work I’m doing now. If anyone admires what I’m doing in any way, then I’m really proud of it (Word Quotes)
‘Tis a sort of duty to be rich, that it may be in one’s power to do good, riches being another word for power (Word Quotes)
It is especially important to encourage unorthodox thinking when the situation is critical: At such moments every new word and fresh thought is more precious than gold. Indeed, people must not be deprived of the right to think their own thoughts (Word Quotes)
Every thought, every word, and every action that adds to the positive and the wholesome is a contribution to peace. Each and every one of us is capable of making such a contribution. Let us join hands to try to create a peaceful world where we can sleep in security and wake in happiness (Word Quotes)
Man’s inhumanity to man is not the last word. The truth lies deeper. It is economic slavery, the savage struggle for a crumb, that has converted mankind into wolves and sheep (Word Quotes)
Is faith so cheap, my child? Faith is the last word. If one has faith, the goal is practically reached (Word Quotes)
Whatever an author puts between the two covers of his book is public property; whatever of himself he does not put there is his private property, as much as if he had never written a word (Word Quotes)
The value of a book about dealing with children is inversely proportional to the number of times it contains the word behavior (Word Quotes)
The fate of a single man can be rich with significance, that of a few hundred less so, but the history of thousands and millions of men does not mean anything at all, in any adequate sense of the word (Word Quotes)
My life, the most truthful one, is unrecognizable, extremely interior, and there is no single word that gives it meaning (Word Quotes)
No one is moved to act, or resolves to speak a single word, who does not hope by means of this action or word to release anxiety from his spirit (Word Quotes)
A player who conjugates a verb in the first person singular cannot be part of the squad, he has to conjugate the verb in the first person plural. We. We want to conquer. We are going to conquer. Using the word I when you’re in a group makes things complicated (Word Quotes)
Tattoo. What a loaded word it is, rife with associations to goons, goofs, bikers, tribal warriors, carnival artists, drunken sailors and floozies (Word Quotes)
We greatly want a brief word to express the science of improving stock, which is by no means confined to questions of judicious mating, but which, especially in the case of man, takes cognizance of all influences that tend in however remote a degree to give to the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance of prevailing speedily over the less suitable than they otherwise would have had. The word eugenics would sufficiently express the idea (Word Quotes)
Character is tested by true sentiments more than by conduct. A man is seldom better than his word (Word Quotes)
If a people have no word for something, either it does not matter to them or it matters too much to talk about (Word Quotes)
It’s when the thing itself is missing that you have to supply the word (Word Quotes)
We seek to find peace of mind in the word, the formula, the ritual. The hope is illusion (Word Quotes)
A person of definite character and purpose who comprehends our way of thought is sure to exert power over us. He cannot altogether be resisted; because, if he understands us, he can make us understand him, through the word, the look, or other symbol (Word Quotes)
By its very nature, the novel indicates that we are becoming. There is no final solution. There is no last word (Word Quotes)
The writer must be able to revel and roll in the abundance of words; he must know not only the direct but also the secret power of a word. There are overtones and undertones to a word, and lateral echoes, too (Word Quotes)
It is somehow reassuring to discover that the word travel is derived from travail, denoting the pains of childbirth (Word Quotes)
The modern school without systematic lectures turns out many graduates who lack retention. No sooner has the sound of the word left their teacher’s lips, the subject has been forgotten (Word Quotes)
And what is an authentic madman? It is a man who preferred to become mad, in the socially accepted sense of the word, rather than forfeit a certain superior idea of human honor. So society has strangled in its asylums all those it wanted to get rid of or protect itself from, because they refused to become its accomplices in certain great nastinesses. For a madman is also a man whom society did not want to hear and whom it wanted to prevent from uttering certain intolerable truths (Word Quotes)
I work in a strange business, and trust is a word that’s not even in the vocabulary (Word Quotes)
There is never finality in the display terminal’s screen, but an irresponsible whimsicality, as words, sentences, and paragraphs are negated at the touch of a key. The significance of the past, as expressed in the manuscript by a deleted word or an inserted correction, is annulled in idle gusts of electronic massacre (Word Quotes)
One of the great reasons for the popularity of strikes is that they give the suppressed self a sense of power. For once the human tool knows itself a man, able to stand up and speak a word or strike a blow (Word Quotes)
Friendship is genuine when two friends can enjoy each others company without speaking a word to one another (Word Quotes)