Word Quotes

Text Quotes
Women’s liberationists spread the word that the only peaceful family is one in which either the wife is enslaved or the husband is androgynous (Word Quotes)
A word that has been said may be unsaid; it is but air. But when a deed is done, it cannot be undone, nor can our thoughts reach out to all the mischiefs that may follow (Word Quotes)
If there be aught surpassing human deed or word or thought, it is a mother’s love! (Word Quotes)
If thou wouldst hear what seemly is and fit, inquire of noble woman; they can tell, who in life’s common usage hold their place by graceful deed and aptly chosen word (Word Quotes)
Some men never spake a wise word, yet doe wisely; some on the other side doe never a wise deed, and yet speake wisely (Word Quotes)
Take my word for it, the saddest thing under the sky is a soul incapable of sadness (Word Quotes)
The word independence is united to the accessory ideas of dignity and virtue. The word dependence is united to the ideas of inferiority and corruption (Word Quotes)
He was the word that spake it, he took the bread and brake it; and what that word did make it, I do believe and take it (Word Quotes)
It is as easy to draw back a stone thrown with force from the hand, as to recall a word once spoken (Word Quotes)
The juggle of sophistry consists, for the most part, in using a word in one sense in all the premises, and in another sense in the conclusion (Word Quotes)
Deep in my heart subsides the infrequent word, and there dies slowly throbbing like a wounded bird (Word Quotes)
The last word should be the last word. It is like a finishing touch given to color; there is nothing more to add. But what precaution is needed in order not to put the last word first (Word Quotes)
Love is not only a feeling, it is also an art. A simple word, a sensitive precaution, a mere nothing reveal to a woman the sublime artist who can touch her heart without withering it (Word Quotes)
That friendship only is, indeed, genuine when two friends, without speaking a word to each other, can, nevertheless, find happiness in being together (Word Quotes)
One improper word or act will neutralize the effect of many good ones; and one base deed, after years of noble service, will cover them all with shame (Word Quotes)
Grave was the man in years, in looks, in word, his locks were gray, yet was his courage green (Word Quotes)
Thoughts there are, that need no embodying, no form, no expression. It is enough to hint at them vaguely; a word, and they are heard and seen (Word Quotes)
For one word a man is often deemed to be wise, and for one word he is often deemed to be foolish. We ought to be careful indeed what we say (Word Quotes)
The arrow belongs not to the archer when it has once left the bow; the word no longer belongs to the speaker when it has once passed his lips, especially when it has been multiplied by the press (Word Quotes)
Sometimes, one gesture comprises an entire drama, the accent of one word ruins an entire existence, and the indifference of one glance kills the happiest passion (Word Quotes)
Take my word for it, the silliest woman can manage a clever man, but it needs a very clever woman to manage a fool (Word Quotes)
A good word will spread in the grapevine, bringing forth clusters of grapes and the benevolent of wine; a bad word will spread withering the vines, and choke the potential grapes (Word Quotes)
I have been told that my position won’t win the creationist court cases. Do you think I care? I didn’t become a scientist because I want to impress lawyers. The word for people who are neutral about truth is liars (Word Quotes)
Every word you wrote I ate, as if it were manna. Finding one’s self in a book is a second birth; and you are the only one who knows that at times men behave like women and women like men, and that all these distinctions are mock distinctions (Word Quotes)
The calling of the humanities is to make us truly human in the best sense of the word (Word Quotes)
Certainly ordinary language has no claim to be the last word, if there is such a thing (Word Quotes)
Grand. There’s a word I really hate. It’s a phony. I could puke every time I hear it (Word Quotes)
It’s not the word made flesh we want in writing, in poetry and fiction, but the flesh made word (Word Quotes)
A word devoid of thought is a dead thing, and a thought unembodied in words remains a shadow (Word Quotes)
A crowd is an elemental thing. A word, a glance, and a crowd becomes a mob (Word Quotes)