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Wordsmith Quotes

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I have offered myself to the inkwell of the wordsmith that I might be shaped into new terms of being  (Wordsmith Quotes) I know I’m not a wordsmith. And I don’t write poetry. Sometimes I think I should, because it’s really helpful. But I always wanted to write novels  (Wordsmith Quotes) I have an obligation as a writer to tell a story as interestingly as possible, but with integrity and not inserting false drama... I’m looking to be subtle, but being a wordsmith does not interest me - I want to communicate.  (Wordsmith Quotes) I was lingering out on the pavement. There was a missing person inside of myself and I needed to find him . . . I felt done for, an empty burned-out wreck . . . Wherever I am, I’m a 60s troubadour, a folk-rock relic, a wordsmith from bygone days, a fictitious head of state from a place nobody knows.  (Wordsmith Quotes)