Workers Quotes

Text Quotes
When we talk about the minimum wage, we have to ask ourselves what it is that we owe both our workers and employers. I think clearly we owe them fairness. (Workers Quotes)
The greatest scandal of the century in American psychiatry ... is the growing mania among thousands of inept therapists, family counselors, and social workers for arousing false memories of childhoood sexual abuse. (Workers Quotes)
Rather than address the priorities of the middle class, the Ryan budget is an attack on American seniors, students, workers, and families - all for the sake of protecting loopholes for the wealthy and corporations that ship jobs overseas. (Workers Quotes)
Evening the playing field for women workers is a matter of fairness and with women now providing a significant share of their family’s income, it is a family issue. (Workers Quotes)
Higher productivity enables companies to increase sales without adding workers. Even if job markets tighten and wages rise, corporate profits can continue to climb as long as worker productivity is growing faster than overall wages. (Workers Quotes)
Incredibly, whenever I have proposed the theory that half of government workers could be cut, current and former federal employees I know have all agreed. (Workers Quotes)
We cannot neglect the unemployed, underemployed and dislocated workers of America who need ample and widespread funding for federal job training services. (Workers Quotes)
State and federal laws protect whistle-blowers, those who refuse to do something illegal, and workers who file claims for workers’ compensation. (Workers Quotes)
Full-time workers earning the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 only earn about $14,500 a year in wages - below the poverty line for a family of two. That’s unacceptable. (Workers Quotes)
One is that we stand - my two confreres and I - in some degree as representatives of a great number of fellow workers over the entire world, who are enthusiastically active in this field of ours. (Workers Quotes)
I remember as a little girl going down to the beet fields in the Dakotas and in Nebraska and Wyoming as migrant workers when I was very, very small, like, I was, like, 5 years old, I believe. And I remember going out there, you know, traveling to these states and living in these little tarpaper shacks that they had in Wyoming. (Workers Quotes)
History speaks pretty clearly that the markets do better with Democrats. Republicans’ ideas of what constitutes fiscal responsibility simply are not good for the stock market. Democrats have many tendencies, but one of them is to look after the workers, and actually that tends to be good for demand and good for markets. (Workers Quotes)
During the Enron debacle, it was workers who took the pounding, not bankers. Not only did Enron employees lose their jobs, many lost their retirement savings. That’s because they were at the bottom of the investing food chain. (Workers Quotes)
Whether it’s dangerous materials being smuggled across the border, terrorists entering on visas or Americans losing their jobs to foreign workers, these are the problems we must now focus on fixing. (Workers Quotes)
As a foreign worker in Haiti, speaking for myself, speaking for the workers, our organization is about 95 percent Haitian, but even foreign workers driving through, we have had very minimal security issues. (Workers Quotes)
Over the last few years they have done a superb job in their fight against al-Qaida. As you may recall, our embassy in Jedda (in Saudi Arabia) was overrun some four years ago and a number of foreign workers went home because of violence against them. (Workers Quotes)
Like so much in Singapore, admission to the Marina Bay’s casino is hierarchical: Free for anyone with an international passport, costly for locals, off-limits to migrant workers altogether. (Workers Quotes)
The thing that the Internet does is it allows labor to move freely across borders in the way that capital does but, traditionally, labor cannot. So the Internet frees workers to be based anywhere and work for employers anywhere. (Workers Quotes)
I can walk through the front door of any factory and out the back and tell you if it’s making money or not. I can just tell by the way it’s being run and by the spirit of the workers. (Workers Quotes)
Employers ganging up against workers is like raising an army of elephants against ants (Workers Quotes)
Globally, millions of married men and women engage the servicesof sex workers each year. Despite growing health concerns aboutthe increased risk of STDs and HIV AIDS this trade continues toblossom, leading to the premature termination of several lives andthe dissolution of several marriages. (Workers Quotes)
We are entering a new phase in human history - one in which fewer and fewer workers will be needed to produce the goods and services for the global population. (Workers Quotes)
Trade reform has also been linked to increased income disparity as skilled workers have captured more benefits from globalization than their unskilled counterparts. (Workers Quotes)
Having more women in company boards, in senior management, supervisory positions and workers in the formal sector is not only the right thing to do, but the smart thing to do. It’s good for the bottom line. (Workers Quotes)
We have to make it easier to be good workers, good parents and good caregivers all at the same time. That’s why I’ve set out a bold vision to make quality, affordable child care available to all Americans and limit the cost to 10 percent of family income. (Workers Quotes)
I never knew any Jews until I got into show business. I’ve found them to be real smart and good workers. (Workers Quotes)
Just like in the workplace, women who are good workers are the best workers (Workers Quotes)
I just followed my parents’ example and advice on living, which was to leave the world a better place than you found it. They were professional do-gooders, ministers of the church, social workers, teachers, and missionaries, that sort of thing. (Workers Quotes)
In working-class France, when an apprentice got hurt, or when he got tired, the experienced workers said It is the trade entering his body. (Workers Quotes)
Public employee unions, in their defense, say politicians have unfairly made them into simplistic bogeymen, responsible for problems that have myriad causes. Not all government workers receive generous pensions, they note. (Workers Quotes)