Workers Quotes

Text Quotes
Modern women are squeezed between the devil and the deep blue sea, and there are no lifeboats out there in the form of public policies designed to help these women combine their roles as mothers and as workers (Workers Quotes)
Free enterprise empowers entrepreneurs who have ideas and imagination, investors who take risks, and workers who hone their skills and offer their labor (Workers Quotes)
The secret to success is good leadership, and good leadership is all about making the lives of your team members or workers better (Workers Quotes)
Nobody motivates today’s workers. If it doesn’t come from within, it doesn’t come. Fun helps remove the barriers that allow people to motivate themselves (Workers Quotes)
We believe in loving our brothers regardless of race, color or creed and we believe in showing this love by working for better conditions immediately and the ultimate owning by the workers of their means of production (Workers Quotes)
I look at my father, who was in many ways an unhappy person, but who, not long before he got sick, said that the greatest source of satisfaction in his life had been going to work in the company of other workers (Workers Quotes)
I consider it important, indeed urgently necessary, for intellectual workers to get together, both to protect their own economic status and, also, generally speaking, to secure their influence in the political field (Workers Quotes)
How will you know the difficulties of being human, if you are always flying off to blue perfection? Where will you plant your grief seeds? Workers need ground to scrape and hoe, not the sky of unspecified desire (Workers Quotes)
The process of breaking down fear was always my greatest challenge and it was made easier by the careful work and gentle voices of my female workers (Workers Quotes)
The vision is really about empowering workers giving them all the information about what’s going on so they can do a lot more than they’ve done in the past (Workers Quotes)
Workers work hard enough to not be fired, and owners pay just enough so that workers won’t quit (Workers Quotes)
Saying my story makes me want to change it, make it sound pretty the way I do with the stories I tell the workers. I’d like it to have a beginning as grand as a ball and an ending in a whisper, like a mother tucking in a child for sleep (Workers Quotes)
Regarding jam sessions: Jazz musicians are the only workers I can think of who are willing to put in a full shift for pay and then go somewhere else and continue to work for free (Workers Quotes)
Research indicates that workers have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company (Workers Quotes)
I’m not going to ask for anything unless the workers want it. If they want it, they’ll ask for it (Workers Quotes)
We’ll organize workers in this movement as long as we’re willing to sacrifice. The moment we stop sacrificing, we stop organizing (Workers Quotes)
There must always be some who are brighter and some who are stupider, the latter make up for it by being better workers (Workers Quotes)
We want passion for our business.. workers who can interpret and execute our mission, who want to build a career, not just take a temporary job (Workers Quotes)
Unskilled and inexperienced workers are the ones most often deprived of employment opportunities by increases in the minimum wage (Workers Quotes)
There’s a basic philosophy here that by empowering... workers you’ll make their jobs far more interesting, and they’ll be able to work at a higher level than they would have without all that information just a few clicks away (Workers Quotes)
Why should workers agree to be slaves in a basically authoritarian structure? They should have control over it themselves. Why shouldn’t communities have a dominant voice in running the institutions that affect their lives? (Workers Quotes)
If every tool, when ordered, or even of its own accord, could do the work that befits it... then there would be no need either of apprentices for the master workers or of slaves for the lords (Workers Quotes)
The arts develop skills and habits of mind that are important for workers in the new economy of ideas (Workers Quotes)
High performing organizations have cultures of creativity and risk. They encourage workers to innovate and play (Workers Quotes)
Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary (Workers Quotes)
When we tell people to do their jobs, we get workers. When we trust people to get the job done, we get leaders (Workers Quotes)
The literature has become too vast to comprehend... It is... difficult to grasp even for workers in closely neighboring fields... There is much more reliance on word of mouth for the transmission of scientific data... gossip (Workers Quotes)
God wants worshipers before workers; indeed the only acceptable workers are those who have learned the lost art of worship (Workers Quotes)
I am happy because I want nothing from anyone. I do not care for money. Decorations, titles or distinctions mean nothing to me. I do not crave praise. The only thing that gives me pleasure, apart from my work, my violin and my sailboat, is the appreciation of my fellow workers (Workers Quotes)
Many of the technologies that are now racing ahead most rapidly, replacing human workers in factories and offices with machines, making stockholders richer and workers poorer, are indeed tending to accentuate the existing inequalities in the distribution of wealth (Workers Quotes)