Works Quotes

Text Quotes
The painter will produce pictures of little merit if he takes the works of others as his standard (Works Quotes)
Because that’s how it works after something terrible has happened. You know this is true if something terrible has ever happened to you. A thousand objects take on new meaning. Everything is a reminder of something else (Works Quotes)
... that’s how memory works... Things disappear without your permission, then come back again without your permission (Works Quotes)
There are more valid facts and details in works of art than there are in history books (Works Quotes)
All satanic works are performed from the outside inward; all divine works from the inside outward (Works Quotes)
It is only men who are free, who create the inventions and intellectual works which to us moderns make life worth while (Works Quotes)
No mother is ever, completely, a child’s idea of what a mother should be, and I suppose it works the other way around as well. But despite everything, we didn’t do too badly by one another, we did as well as most (Works Quotes)
For example, the dwarfs found out how to turn lead into gold by doing it the hard way. The difference between that and the easy way is that the hard way works (Works Quotes)
Grace works that way. It’s a kind word from a gentle person with an impossible prayer. It’s a force sometimes transmitted best hand to hand in a dark place (Works Quotes)
It’s just accidental, just temporary. Until the next accident sends me somewhere new. That’s how life works (Works Quotes)
Unconditional love is what a child should expect from a parent even though it rarely works out that way (Works Quotes)
You don’t have to change that much for it to make a great deal of difference. A few simple disciplines can have a major impact on how your life works out in the next 90 days, let alone in the next 12 months or the next 3 years (Works Quotes)
All meaningful and lasting change starts first in your imagination and then works its way out. Imagination is more important than knowledge (Works Quotes)
I feel that when we really love and accept and approve of ourselves exactly as we are, then everything in life works (Works Quotes)
Turks have a dismissive phrase: he works like a clerk. I have turned this insult around: I am proud to say that I work like a clerk (Works Quotes)
We are stuck with technology when all we really want is just stuff that works. How do you recognize something that is still technology? A good clue is if it comes with a manual (Works Quotes)
... you’re never going to have a legal immigration system that works if you grant amnesty (Works Quotes)
Less disappointing than life, great works of art do not begin by giving us all their best (Works Quotes)
So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and to strike at what is weak. Water shapes its course according to the nature of the ground over which it flows; the soldier works out his victory in relation to the foe whom he is facing (Works Quotes)
Prayer never works for me on the golf course. That may have something to do with my being a terrible putter (Works Quotes)
Society has arisen out of the works of peace; the essence of society is peacemaking. Peace and not war is the father of all things (Works Quotes)
I don’t want to be immortal through my works. I want to be immortal by not dying (Works Quotes)
Let us draw a lesson from nature, which always works by short ways. When the fruit is ripe, it falls (Works Quotes)
Of all man’s works of art, a cathedral is greatest. A vast and majestic tree is greater than that (Works Quotes)
After losing everything, I went on a quest to find out how money really works, how I could get control of it, and how I could have confidence in handling it (Works Quotes)
A cultivated man, wise to know and bold to perform, is the end to which nature works (Works Quotes)
I want to be a politician. I think I understand how the system works, I think a lot of politicians are corrupt, and it’s about time we put some people in there who are going to look out for the majority of the people instead of the rich people (Works Quotes)
People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians (Works Quotes)
A warrior feeds his body well; he trains it; works on it. Where he lacks knowledge, he studies. But above all he must believe. He must believe in his strength of will, of purpose, of heart and soul (Works Quotes)
Public works are not accomplished by the miraculous power of a magic wand. They are paid for by funds taken away from the citizens (Works Quotes)