Worship Quotes

Text Quotes
Though the worship of riches is an old religion, there has never been a danger that it might become the sole religion. And yet that is what is surely going to happen in the world (Worship Quotes)
The temple is a place of worship. Reverence is a supernal form of worship. It is the form of worship found in the celestial kingdom (Worship Quotes)
This trivializing rhetoric runs the subtle but unmistakable message: pray if you like, worship if you must, but whatever you do, do not on any account take your religion seriously (Worship Quotes)
Where it is a duty to worship the sun it is pretty sure to be a crime to examine the laws of heat (Worship Quotes)
I hope and trust the infinite, the eternal, and merciful and loving God. I worship Him and feel no guilt in my heart before him for what I am going to do (Worship Quotes)
I’m a committed Christian. I worship in my own way. That’s my business. That’s not the business of the pharisees who are going to preach to me about what I do and then do something else (Worship Quotes)
In the mean time I worship God, laying every wrong action under an interdict which I endeavour to respect, and I loathe the wicked without doing them any injury (Worship Quotes)
The Senate is the last primitive society in the world. We still worship the elders of the tribe and honor the territorial imperative (Worship Quotes)
Democracy is also a form of religion. It is the worship of Jackals by Jackasses (Worship Quotes)
I choose to worship not believing in God and government should not thrust a religious idea down my throat (Worship Quotes)
In this part of the world, only Maine gives winter the welcome and the worship it should have (Worship Quotes)
I don’t like LA. The majority just seem to be so artificial. Look at how they worship everything they think is fashionable. Isn’t it sick? (Worship Quotes)
What is going on in America is extreme. The youth cult, they worship youth so much it’s almost paranoid. And LA is the Mecca of it all; they’re taking it to the hilt (Worship Quotes)
The eyes of some of the fans at Davis Cup matches scare me. There’s no light in them. Fixed emotions. Blind worship. Horror. It makes me think of what happened to us long ago (Worship Quotes)
Dog - a kind of additional or subsidiary Deity designed to catch the overflow and surplus of the world’s worship (Worship Quotes)
God doesn’t desire our worship because He is egocentric. He desires it because we are (Worship Quotes)
If we could see, even for a split second, the depths of God’s love for us - all we’d want to do is worship and prayer would never seem a chore (Worship Quotes)
When I was with the serpent-handlers in Tennessee, it was the most bizarre method of worship I could think of. Yet when you sit with these people, you can kind of see how it makes sense (Worship Quotes)
Man who has lived through so many storms will either worship the tranquillity or will detest it (Worship Quotes)
Chapel services on race day have a calming effect. It’s a nice time for us to worship and try to get the message and hear some music and have a little fellowship together before we get to racing (Worship Quotes)
Becoming a junior usher at a black church was my entry into the wonder of worship (Worship Quotes)
I listen to purely Christian Worship Music, Christian Rap etc. People will give me some old music, stuff I used to listen to back then and when I listen to the words, it blows me away (Worship Quotes)
The whole idea of worship being associated with music, it gives you an impotence to make art that is true, that is honest and that opens the human heart to God and to reality (Worship Quotes)
I hate it when women fight aging with plastic surgery or fashion choices. There’s this arrogant youth worship in our society (Worship Quotes)
If we understand and feel that the greatest act of devotion and worship to God is not to harm any of His beings, we are loving God (Worship Quotes)
Inside the boundaries of the old paradigm there’s no hope, there’s no way out of the box of capitalism, monogamy, consumer fetishism, egoism, money worship, no way out. No way. No way out! (Worship Quotes)
High thinking is inconsistent with a complicated material life based on high speed and imposed on us by mammon worship (Worship Quotes)
Every church needs to grow warmer through fellowship, deeper through discipleship, stronger through through worship, and larger through evangelism (Worship Quotes)
Traditional American values: Genocide, aggression, conformity, emotional repression, hypocrisy, and the worship of comfort and consumer goods (Worship Quotes)
Ecological devastation is the excrement, so to speak, of man’s power worship (Worship Quotes)