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Worst Person Quotes

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I’m the worst person to be stuck with in a traffic jam  (Worst Person Quotes) I’m the worst person to tell anybody how to date  (Worst Person Quotes) I’m the worst person about publicizing myself  (Worst Person Quotes) You are actually the worst person I have ever met  (Worst Person Quotes) She's the worst person I've ever met. I wanna travel the world with her  (Worst Person Quotes) I am literally the worst person at keeping secrets. I’d be the worst spy of all time  (Worst Person Quotes) I’m the worst person to ask about how to get noticed. It took me 25 years  (Worst Person Quotes) A lot of girls ask for advice on how to get into acting, and I’m kind of the worst person to ask, because it just kind of fell in my lap... I was just in the right place at the right time  (Worst Person Quotes) When I go to hell, I mean to carry a bribe: for look you, good gifts evermore make way for the worst persons  (Worst Person Quotes) The worst person to be around is the one who complains about everything and appreciates nothing. Avoid these people at all costs  (Worst Person Quotes) I’ve always had a problem with respect your elders. I must respect you because you are old? Even though you could be the worst person?  (Worst Person Quotes)