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Worst Quotes

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The worst feeling in the world is giving a bad audition  (Worst Quotes) A great review is great. A bad review is the worst.  (Worst Quotes) The worst thing a good girl could do to you is break your heart  (Worst Quotes) The worst sin, the ultimate sin for me, in anything, is to be bored  (Worst Quotes) Mind can be your best friend or worst enemy  (Worst Quotes) You’re your best friend and worst enemy  (Worst Quotes) Being president looks like the worst job in the world  (Worst Quotes) The worst thing about being perfect is that you can’t make mistakes  (Worst Quotes) The worst days of leadership beat the best days of being an onlooker  (Worst Quotes) Failure is our best teacher but fear of failure is our worst enemy  (Worst Quotes) Your Worst Enemy Could Be Your Best Friend  (Worst Quotes) The worst mistakes of your past can be the best lights of your future!  (Worst Quotes) A man’s best fortune, or his worst, is his wife  (Worst Quotes) The worst of Nature brings out the best in our fellow human beings  (Worst Quotes) ...and tell you the worst of me and try to give you the best of me...  (Worst Quotes) You need to be your own cheer squad not your own worst enemy  (Worst Quotes) Credit cards are the WORST investment that you can make  (Worst Quotes) Most of my schooldays were the worst day of my life  (Worst Quotes) You do your worst, and we’ll do our best  (Worst Quotes) Knowing what’s correct and not doing it, it’s the worst cowardice  (Worst Quotes) The worst enemies of success are fear and doubt  (Worst Quotes) Fear is one of the worst, and most limiting, emotions in life  (Worst Quotes) The worst thing, he told me,is bitterness, people end up sobitter  (Worst Quotes) Excess of everything is worst; even if it is best otherwise  (Worst Quotes) Every man is his own worst enemy  (Worst Quotes) The worst thing I can be is the same as everybody else. I hate that.  (Worst Quotes) Pray for the best, prepare for the worst, and expect the unexpected  (Worst Quotes) Keep a light, hopeful heart. But expect the worst.  (Worst Quotes) Expect the best, Prepare for the worst  (Worst Quotes) To doubt is to have faith in the worst possible outcome  (Worst Quotes)
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