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Worst Quotes

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It’s just someone has labelled us as having a different label to do what you do. I find that labels are the worst thing in the world for artistic expression  (Worst Quotes) That’s the irony in the work: the best stories are the worst things that happen. My best times were somebody else’s worst  (Worst Quotes) If you strike at, imprison, or kill us, out of our prisons or graves we will still evoke a spirit that will thwart you, and perhaps, raise a force that will destroy you! We defy you! Do your worst!  (Worst Quotes) One of the worst things you can do is have a limited budget and try to do some big looking film. That’s when you end up with very bad work  (Worst Quotes) The worst thing is to get involved with people who aren’t passionate about what they’re doing  (Worst Quotes) There are so many scenarios here. We tried to prepare for the worst summer in 40 years and build assumptions based on that. We’re preparing for the worst, but we’re hoping for the best. And I’ve told people the end is in sight  (Worst Quotes) I just try to get out of my own way because if anyone is their own worst enemy, it’s usually you  (Worst Quotes) As covetousness is the root of all evil, so poverty is the worst of all snares  (Worst Quotes) I’m the worst rider. I’m a terrible rider. Me and horses are not a good mix. For some reason, people are always trying to get me on a horse in a movie  (Worst Quotes) The worst part about being married is when you’re not connecting. Your partner is going out the door when you’re coming in, and you don’t have a chance to debrief on the day. That’s the worst  (Worst Quotes) It was the worst period of my life. I had all this gigantic acceptance as a kid, and all of a sudden there was this monumental rejection  (Worst Quotes) I think the hardest thing to overcome is judging yourself and being your own worst critic so to speak  (Worst Quotes) Have you ever talked to someone, and you’re not even really talking to them? Actors are the worst for that  (Worst Quotes) The worst moment for the atheist is when he is really thankful and has nobody to thank  (Worst Quotes) I know that I am my worst critic. I know that if I can walk away from the set at the end of the day and feel that I did the best job I could and feel proud, that’s what will satisfy me  (Worst Quotes) The downside isn’t really injury, fear of injury or the process of fighting back from injury. The downside, the very worst thing in the world, is surgery  (Worst Quotes) You can’t really describe how difficult it is to deal with. It is any athlete’s worst nightmare to be accused of cheating by taking drugs. It really is very difficult to put into words how it makes you feel  (Worst Quotes) America is a very special place. In this country, you have the best and the worst at the same time. Whatever you can imagine  (Worst Quotes) There’s a lot of bad isms floating around this world, but one of the worst is commercialism  (Worst Quotes) Detachment produces a peculiar state of mind. Maybe that’s the worst sentence of all, to be deprived of feeling what a human being ought to be entitled to feel  (Worst Quotes) Let whatever is going to happen to me happen. I’m expecting the worst for myself and I’m resigned to it  (Worst Quotes) The worst part is doubt. When you doubt yourself, which we are taught to do, you get lost  (Worst Quotes) Speaking as a black person, welfare is the worst thing that’s ever happened to us  (Worst Quotes) The poorest parts of the world are by and large the places in which one can best view the worst of medicine and not because doctors in these countries have different ideas about what constitutes modern medicine. It’s the system and its limitations that are to blame  (Worst Quotes) We feel a lot of pressure about looking silly or appearing weak, whatever that means, or being a failure. You have to keep in your head: what’s the worst that can happen?  (Worst Quotes) Well, football is a hard game; there’s no denying it. It’s a game that can bring out the worst in you, at times  (Worst Quotes) My mother was the worst kind of stage mother. She would make me and my younger sister and brother little duckling costumes and put us in kiddie shows  (Worst Quotes) Something like trying to protect yourself all the time, things like trying to outwit fate. Those things can be the worst thing you can do for yourself  (Worst Quotes) The worst thing about war was the sitting around and wondering what you were doing morally  (Worst Quotes) If you have to be in a soap opera try not to get the worst role  (Worst Quotes)
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