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Worst Quotes

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The best decision is the right decision. The next best decision is the wrong decision. The worst decision is no decision  (Worst Quotes) I try to keep myself in the best of company and my horses in the worst of company  (Worst Quotes) I think that always myself is my worst opponent. I always playing against myself first and then to the other one. So I’m playing against two guys during the match... It’s like mentally I don’t know what is gonna happen in the next ten minutes. Maybe I get depressed in ten minutes. I don’t know myself too much... Yeah, I was working with a psychology, and I still  (Worst Quotes) Being educated means to prefer the best not only to the worst but to the second best  (Worst Quotes) We are raising a generation that has a woefully small stock of ideas and interests and emotions. It must be amused at all costs but it has little skill in amusing itself. It pays some of its members to do what the majority can no longer do for themselves. It is this inner poverty that makes for the worst kind of boredom  (Worst Quotes) The last major childhood disease remains and it’s the worst of them all: nuclear war  (Worst Quotes) I never look at the newspaper in the morning. That’s the worst thing you can do with your brain  (Worst Quotes) Little minds try to defend everything at once, but sensible people look at the main point only; they parry the worst blows and stand a little hurt if thereby they avoid a greater one. If you try to hold everything, you hold nothing  (Worst Quotes) The key questions will be: Are you good at working with intelligent machines or not? Are your skills a complement to the skills of the computer, or is the computer doing better without you? Worst of all, are you competing against the computer?  (Worst Quotes) The worst thing that can happen to you as an artist is for you to lose faith in yourself  (Worst Quotes) Faith is not something that one has; faith is something that one practices at the very moment in your life when you really don’t believe anything, and you’re in the worst kind of despair  (Worst Quotes) Some men are too dull to feel what might happen. Others torture themselves with maybes and populate their dreams with horrors more terrible than their worst enemy could inflict upon them  (Worst Quotes) Revenge is not a good thing. Revenge is like politics: one thing always leads to another until bad has become worse, and worse has become worst  (Worst Quotes) A photographer’s best pictures are from deep inside him, and also some of the worst. Some photographers enjoy distinguished careers without ever taking personal photographs. Others, audaciously and arrogantly and courageously discharge their most private feelings through photography. Trouble is, sometimes it all adds up to baloney  (Worst Quotes) Everyone is more focused on presenting the best that the league has to offer, rather than the worst  (Worst Quotes) Some of the worst writing around suffers from inert verbs and the unintended use of the passive voice. Yet the passive voice remains an important arrow in the rhetorical quiver. After all, it exists for a reason  (Worst Quotes) Fun is temporary at best; it’s risky, even dangerous, at worst. Joy, on the other hand, was mystery I couldn’t seem to decipher  (Worst Quotes) I’m not saying that putting on makeup will change the world or even your life, but it can be a first step in learning things about yourself you may never have discovered otherwise. At worst, you could make a big mess and have a good laugh  (Worst Quotes) The worst people on earth are not only those who commit evil, but those who stand by and turn a blind eye  (Worst Quotes) The worst scream I have ever heard, by far, is a mother cow on a dairy farm screaming her lungs out day, after day, after day for her stolen baby to be given back to her. And why do they steal babies from their moms? Well, the dairy industry can’t have little babies sucking up all that milk that was meant for them. Every time you have a glass of cow milk, some calf is not  (Worst Quotes) You ought to run the hardest when you feel the worst. Never let the other guy know you’re down  (Worst Quotes) Marriage is an arrangement by which two people start by getting the best out of each other and often end by getting the worst  (Worst Quotes) The worship of words is more pernicious than the worship of images. Grammatolatry is the worst species of idolatry  (Worst Quotes) I’ve always felt there are three sexes: men, women, and actors. And actors combine the worst qualities of the other two  (Worst Quotes) There are certain narrow, umimaginative, and autocratic old people who seem to call out the most mischievous and sometimes the worst traits in children  (Worst Quotes) People who say it takes money to make money are using the worst excuse ever... Create massive value for others by providing a solution where no other exists  (Worst Quotes) The worst, the hardest, the most disagreeable thing that you may have to do may be the thing that counts most, because it is the hard discipline, and it alone, that makes possible the highest efficiency  (Worst Quotes) I had some great things and I had some bad things. The best and the worst... In other words, I had a life  (Worst Quotes) The worst thing about being a great power is when you’re not one any more. It takes centuries to get over it  (Worst Quotes) It’s so hard to find the place somewhere in the middle of the best and worst I’ve felt  (Worst Quotes)
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