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Worst Quotes

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I think it’s the sign of a leader to step up and say, you know, when something’s not working to have the guts to reverse it. And the worst thing you can do is to let that mistake linger  (Worst Quotes) Democracy is essentially a means, a utilitarian device for safeguarding internal peace and individual freedom. As such it is by no means infallible or certain. Nor must we forget that there has often been much more cultural and spiritual freedom under an autocratic rule than under some democracies and it is at least conceivable that under the government of a very homogeneous and doctrinaire majority democratic government might be as oppressive as the worst dictatorship  (Worst Quotes) The worst thing I ever wore, really, was rubber pants, but I don’t think that was a cliche. They were just way too hot. Rubber doesn’t breathe. I look back on my photos, and I dig them. I think I look really cool  (Worst Quotes) The abstract intelligence produces a fatigue that’s the worst of all fatigues. It doesn’t weigh on us like bodily fatigue, nor disconcert like the fatigue of emotional experience. It’s the weight of our consciousness of the world, a shortness of breath in our soul  (Worst Quotes) As an introvert, you can be your own best friend or your worst enemy. The good news is we generally like our own company, a quality that extroverts often envy. We find comfort in solitude and know how to soothe ourselves. Even our willingness to look at ourselves critically is often helpful.But, we can go too far. We can hoard responsibility and overlook the role others play. We can kick ourselves when we’re down. How many times have you felt lousy about something, only to get mad at yourself for feeling lousy?  (Worst Quotes) The devil wants to convince you that dying is the worst thing. It is very much easier to do what God made you for than not  (Worst Quotes) If you feel uncomfortable on stage, you can very easily descend into a sort of abyss, convinced you’re the worst actor ever, that you’re a disgrace to the profession, that you’re a disgrace to yourself. It’s an awful feeling  (Worst Quotes) The worst beauty advice that I have ever taken has been from people who have told me that sunscreen isn’t necessary. Not true!  (Worst Quotes) Comment threads are the new therapy for people. They just go and post the worst things they can think of because they feel bad, and then other people start attacking them, and then they attack back  (Worst Quotes) If the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long!  (Worst Quotes) Some friends of mine who are actors feel directing shuts them down and kills all their impulses, but the worst thing for me is if I feel a director hasn’t noticed  (Worst Quotes) My parents always told me that you always want to be the worst of the best. If you are the best, you never learn  (Worst Quotes) It is in the irony of things that the theatre should be the most dangerous place for the actor. But, then, after all, the world is the worst possible place, the most corrupting place, for the human soul. And just as there is no escape from the world, which follows us into the very heart of the desert, so the actor cannot escape the theatre. And the actor who is a dreamer need not. All of us can only strive to remain uncontaminated. In the world we must be unworldly, in the theatre the actor must be untheatrical  (Worst Quotes) The worst insult I can inflict on life is that I do not reflect on its meaning  (Worst Quotes) True friends see who we really are, hear our words and the feelings behind them, hold us in the safe harbor of their embrace, and accept us as we are. Good friends mirror our best back to us, forgive us our worst, and believe we will evolve into wise, wacky, and wonderful old people. Dear friends give us their undivided attention, encourage us to laugh, and entice us into silliness. And we do the same for them. A true friend gives us the courage to be ourselves because he or she is with us always and in all ways. In the safety of such friendships, our hearts can fully open  (Worst Quotes) The worst enemy is one whose doctrines are founded in hate and are thus beyond debate  (Worst Quotes) My worst day is still a really good day. I complain, but I catch myself and count my blessings. I am truly blessed  (Worst Quotes) It is the worst thing you can do, women, is whine,.. I mean the worst. Don’t complain, protest  (Worst Quotes) You might perhaps like to see the few canvases I was able to save from the bailiffs and the rest, since I thought you might be so good as to help me a little, as I am in quite a desperate state, and the worst is that I can no longer even work  (Worst Quotes) It’s hard to believe, but anything can happen. Accidents do happen, unfortunately, it happened at the worst time  (Worst Quotes) I’ve said it before: equations are the devil’s sentences. The worst one is that quadratic equation, an infernal salad of numbers, letters, and symbols  (Worst Quotes) We don’t stoop to the level of our worst critics, no matter how much we may find them to be annoying  (Worst Quotes) It is the worst of all superstitions to assume that the epistemological characteristics of one branch of knowledge must necessarily be applicable to any other branch  (Worst Quotes) When you get into politics, you find that all your worst nightmares about it turn out to be true, and the people who are attracted to large concentrations of power are precisely the ones who should be kept as far away from it as possible  (Worst Quotes) You can concede to an opponent something he hasn’t earned. It’s one thing to underestimate an opponent. But maybe the worst thing is to overestimate. You always play your strengths. But that doesn’t mean you become predictable  (Worst Quotes) Art has the ability to redeem life by finding beauty even in the worst aspect of things  (Worst Quotes) Don’t think. The worst songs I’ve ever written happen when I think  (Worst Quotes) Something is funny, most of all, because it’s true, and because the velocity of insight into this truth exceeds our normal standards. Something is funny because it’s outside our accepted boundary of decorum. Something is funny because it defies our expectations. Something is funny because it offers a temporary reprieve from the hardship of seeing the world as it actually is. Something is funny because it is able to suggest gently that even the worst of our circumstances and sins is subject to eventual mercy  (Worst Quotes) It appears that my worst fears have been realised: we have made progress in everything yet nothing has changed  (Worst Quotes) Even if you may be down to the worst, the best is potentially within you. You only have to find it, release it, and rise up with it. This requires courage and character, to be sure, but the main requirement is faith. Cultivate faith and you will have the necessary courage and character  (Worst Quotes)
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