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Worst Quotes

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Let me be the first to tell you, drinking alcohol is the worst thing to do in cold weather. Hot soup is the best because the process of digesting food helps to warm you up  (Worst Quotes) Stay out of the sun, because it is the worst thing in terms of aging. I’m very medical. I come from a medical family  (Worst Quotes) The worst mistake you can make is walking away from the person who actually stood there and waited for you  (Worst Quotes) The worst thing that can happen to a man is to lose his money, the next worst his health, the next worst his reputation  (Worst Quotes) Words are not as satisfactory as we should like them to be, but, like our neighbours, we have got to live with them and must make the best and not the worst of them  (Worst Quotes) Sometimes life has a cruel sense of humor, giving you the thing you always wanted at the worst time possible  (Worst Quotes) The worst sin that can be committed against the artist is to take him at his word, to see in his work a fulfillment instead of an horizon  (Worst Quotes) The worst of my actions or conditions seem not so ugly unto me as I find it both ugly and base not to dare to avouch for them  (Worst Quotes) I wish thy lot, now bad, still worse, my friend, for when at worst, they say, things always mend  (Worst Quotes) To go to the world below, having a soul which is like a vessel full of injustice, is the last and worst of all the evils  (Worst Quotes) Bad things are not the worst things that can happen to us. Nothing is the worst thing that can happen to us!  (Worst Quotes) I think trying too hard to be sexy is the worst thing in the world a woman can do  (Worst Quotes) For me, the worst part of playing golf, by far, has always been hitting the ball  (Worst Quotes) What’s the worst that can happen? If it doesn’t do well I can put on my big girl panties, deal with it and move on  (Worst Quotes) Reason transformed into prejudice is the worst form of prejudice, because reason is the only instrument for liberation from prejudice  (Worst Quotes) Ugly. Is irrelevant. It is an immeasurable insult to a woman, and then supposedly the worst crime you can commit as a woman. But ugly, as beautiful, is an illusion  (Worst Quotes) Probably my worst quality is that I get very passionate about what I think is right  (Worst Quotes) The two worst strategic mistakes to make are acting prematurely and letting an opportunity slip; to avoid this, the warrior treats each situation as if it were unique and never resorts to formulae, recipes or other people’s opinions  (Worst Quotes) Tofu hot dogs are actually scarier than real hot dogs. It’s like wanting the worst possible meat product without even the thrill of it actually being meat  (Worst Quotes) I’m the worst at picking what movies are going to do well. I have no idea. I’m really surprised if a movie I like does well  (Worst Quotes) The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that’s the essence of inhumanity  (Worst Quotes) Of all the ways of defining man, the worst is the one which makes him out to be a rational animal  (Worst Quotes) It is the strange fate of man, that even in the greatest of evils the fear of the worst continues to haunt him  (Worst Quotes) If you haven’t got any charity in your heart, you have the worst kind of heart trouble  (Worst Quotes) The worst readers are those who behave like plundering troops: they take away a few things they can use, dirty and confound the remainder, and revile the whole  (Worst Quotes) The worst thing about new books is that they keep us from reading the old ones  (Worst Quotes) Beauty is that quality which, next to money, is generally the most attractive to the worst kinds of men; and, therefore, it is likely to entail a great deal of trouble on the possessor  (Worst Quotes) I believe in some blending of hope and sunshine sweetening the worst lots. I believe that this life is not all; neither the beginning nor the end. I believe while I tremble; I trust while I weep  (Worst Quotes) I would rather be attacked than unnoticed. For the worst thing you can do to an author is to be silent as to his works  (Worst Quotes) There may be some doubt as to who are the best people to have charge of children, but there can be no doubt that parents are the worst  (Worst Quotes)
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