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Worst Quotes

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I think that the worst unpleasantness of age is not its final fact... but the tediousness of preparation, the accumulating number of defeats  (Worst Quotes) Let’s give up our worst vices with the understanding that in about a month we’ll indulge them with twice the fervor  (Worst Quotes) The worst way to miss someone is when u thought u didn’t want them anymore and all of a sudden u realize u can’t live without them  (Worst Quotes) The worst pain for a girl is when she smiles, just to keep the tears from falling, and sleeps, just so she doesn’t have to think about it  (Worst Quotes) The best thing about trusting someone with every secret you have, is that they always have your back. The worst is knowing they can turn their back and used it all against you  (Worst Quotes) Never make a negative decision in the low time. Never make your most important decisions when you are in your worst moods  (Worst Quotes) The worst mistake that you can make, is to walk away from the one person who actually stood by your side when you were in trouble  (Worst Quotes) Never let a bad situation bring out the worst in you. Choose to stay positive and be strong  (Worst Quotes) Telling someone to calm down is pretty much the worst way to get someone to calm down  (Worst Quotes) A female can be your best friend, worst enemy, or your worst nightmare. It depends on how you treat her  (Worst Quotes) Even in the worst tragedies and crisis, there’s no reason to add to everyone’s misery by looking miserable yourself  (Worst Quotes) Two things define you, your attitude when you are at your worst and your attitude when you are at your best  (Worst Quotes) Missing someone who doesn’t miss you back in return is probably one of the worst feelings anyone can feel  (Worst Quotes) The worst feeling in the world is when you know you’re losing someone and there’s nothing that you can do to prevent being replaced  (Worst Quotes) The worst way to miss someone is to have them sitting right next to you and know you can never have them  (Worst Quotes) Sometimes I’m scared to see myself and I wish I were someone else. I hate how I’m not who I am supposed to be and I’m just my own worst enemy  (Worst Quotes) After all, our worst misfortunes never happen, and most miseries lie in anticipation  (Worst Quotes) I’m the worst ad anyone could possibly be for abstaining from anything  (Worst Quotes) It takes too much energy being mad and upset w/ people. Even if its your worst enemy, don’t waste no energy on negativity  (Worst Quotes) The people who still think you’re at your best when they see you at your worst are the ones worth keeping  (Worst Quotes) The worst of failure in this kind is that it spoils the market for more competent performers  (Worst Quotes) Congratulations on providing the worst customer service experience of my life  (Worst Quotes) There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it ill behooves any of us, to say anything about the rest of us  (Worst Quotes) I never was shy, but as far as telling jokes, I’m the worst. I like physical comedy; it’s where I feel comfortable  (Worst Quotes) Sometimes to get the best out of life you go thru some of the worst. No one said it would be easy. Be strong!  (Worst Quotes) The worst feeling ever is not knowing whether you should wait or give up  (Worst Quotes) I could be in the absolutely worst mood ever and not want to talk to anyone, but boy, do my feelings change when I see your beautiful face  (Worst Quotes) Your worst and most dangerous enemy is the person that injures you under the pretensions of friendship  (Worst Quotes) Feeling invisible to the person you notice the most is the worst feeling in the world  (Worst Quotes) Sometimes it’s not the pain that makes you suffer, it’s your own negative thought that makes things seem worst  (Worst Quotes)
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