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Worth Quotes

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A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains  (Worth Quotes) A diamond with a flaw is worth more than a pebble without imperfections  (Worth Quotes) Your worth isn't based on what others think about you  (Worth Quotes) Without you, tomorrow wouldn't be worth the wait and yesterday wouldn't be worth remembering  (Worth Quotes) Never rush into something. Anything worth having is worth the wait  (Worth Quotes) Love isn't supposed to be easy, it is supposed to be worth it  (Worth Quotes) I can't decide if a decent tan is worth the possible melanoma  (Worth Quotes) Realize what's real and what's not. Who's worth the effort and who's not  (Worth Quotes) It's a terribly hard job to spend a billion dollars and get your money's worth  (Worth Quotes) Nobody said it would be easy, but nothing worth having ever is  (Worth Quotes) I know loving you ain't easy, but it's sure worth a try  (Worth Quotes) An ounce of cheerfulness is worth a pound of sadness to serve God with  (Worth Quotes) The unexamined life is not worth living  (Worth Quotes) No matter how long it takes, true love is always worth the wait  (Worth Quotes) If its not challenging to get, it's probably not worth keeping.  (Worth Quotes) The climb is tough, but the view from the top is worth it  (Worth Quotes) This life is worth living, we can say, since it is what we make it  (Worth Quotes) A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience  (Worth Quotes) Some people just aren't worth the struggle  (Worth Quotes) A man's friendships are one of the best measures of his worth  (Worth Quotes) One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives  (Worth Quotes) His worth shines forth the brightest who in hope always confides; the abject soul despairs  (Worth Quotes) Intelligence and education that hasn't been tempered by human affection isn't worth a damn  (Worth Quotes) Why do you climb philosophical hills? Because they are worth climbing... There are no hills to go down unless you start from the top  (Worth Quotes) If our country is worth dying for in time of war let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of peace  (Worth Quotes) Nothing is worth reading that does not require an alert mind  (Worth Quotes) Minutes are worth more than money. Spend them wisely  (Worth Quotes) I think that people who can't believe in fairies aren't worth knowing  (Worth Quotes) The manner of giving is worth more than the gift  (Worth Quotes) He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has  (Worth Quotes)
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