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Worth Quotes

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I work very hard and I’m worth every cent  (Worth Quotes) Things are worth what they will fetch at a sale  (Worth Quotes) 24 hour broadcasts have to stretch limited material to fit 24 hours worth of space  (Worth Quotes) Show my head to the people. It is worth seeing  (Worth Quotes) The only solutions that are ever worth anything are the solutions that people find themselves  (Worth Quotes) Superhuman effort isn’t worth a damn unless it achieves results  (Worth Quotes) After all, a job isn’t worth doing unless you enjoy it  (Worth Quotes) A battery of field artillery is worth a thousand muskets  (Worth Quotes) A picture is worth a thousand words. An interface is worth a thousand pictures  (Worth Quotes) In football, day in day out, you always have to show your worth  (Worth Quotes) It is the fine excesses of life that make it worth living  (Worth Quotes) Security is not the meaning of my life. Great opportunities are worth the risk  (Worth Quotes) Some people think they are worth a lot of money just because they have it  (Worth Quotes) Though I have no productive worth, I have a certain value as an indestructible quantity  (Worth Quotes) Well, first of all, I’m worth every penny  (Worth Quotes) Credit you give yourself is not worth having  (Worth Quotes) A bit is worth 10,000 basis points  (Worth Quotes) Love is worth whatever it costs  (Worth Quotes) Take assertiveness training, get paid what you’re worth, join a consciousness raising group  (Worth Quotes) Whatever is worth saying, can be stated in fifty words or less  (Worth Quotes) An once of hypocrisy is worth a pound of ambition  (Worth Quotes) Nothing ain’t worth nothing but it’s free  (Worth Quotes) If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing slowly... very slowly  (Worth Quotes) A thing well done is worth doing  (Worth Quotes) One pound of uranium is worth about 3 million pounds worth of coal or oil  (Worth Quotes) I don’t think any war is worth having our soldiers killed  (Worth Quotes) A woman’s two cents worth is worth two cents in the music business  (Worth Quotes) It is the lives we encounter that make life worth living  (Worth Quotes) Modeling is a profession where your worth is tied up with looks  (Worth Quotes) If it is worth doing, it is worth overdoing  (Worth Quotes)
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