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Worth Quotes

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If anything is worth trying at all, it’s worth trying at least 10 times  (Worth Quotes) The only cats worth anything are the cats that take chances  (Worth Quotes) An ounce of behavior is worth a pound of words  (Worth Quotes) Anything worth doing is worth doing to excess  (Worth Quotes) The time I’m not spending with my kid has to be worth it  (Worth Quotes) We’re waiting for something to change into something worth waiting for  (Worth Quotes) Never saw one worth a damn  (Worth Quotes) As small as it may seem, a good deed is always worth the doing  (Worth Quotes) One deed of kindness noticed is worth forty that are told  (Worth Quotes) This house protected by an armed citizen. There is absolutely nothing here worth dying for  (Worth Quotes) Believe in something big. Your life is worth a noble motive  (Worth Quotes) $5,000 means nothing to me! I did about $5,000 worth of damage to that nose of his!!  (Worth Quotes) The sun in your eyes makes some of the lies worth believing  (Worth Quotes) A sight of the label is worth 50 years experience  (Worth Quotes) One life is worth no more or less than any other  (Worth Quotes) A good quote is worth a thousand words  (Worth Quotes) One word of love is worth more than a thousand clever speeches  (Worth Quotes) I want to remake the world; anything less is not worth the trouble  (Worth Quotes) The truth about who we really are, beyond all appearances, is knowledge worth seeking  (Worth Quotes) Self worth is everything. Without it life is a misery  (Worth Quotes) If it is not scary, it is not worth doing  (Worth Quotes) Not one ounce of my self worth depends on your acceptance of me  (Worth Quotes) Some things are worth the wait  (Worth Quotes) Everything worth doing starts with being scared  (Worth Quotes) Without balance, a life is no longer worth the effort  (Worth Quotes) Today,... anything you can come up with that works is worth trying  (Worth Quotes) No man is worth more than another, wherever he is from  (Worth Quotes) The things most worth wanting are not available everywhere all the time  (Worth Quotes) If a country is not worth protecting it is not worth claiming  (Worth Quotes) One good deed is worth a thousand prayers  (Worth Quotes)
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