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Worth Quotes

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Sometimes the things that hurt are worth the pain  (Worth Quotes) Anything worth doing in this world is incredibly difficult to do  (Worth Quotes) Think deeply about life, it’s worth it!  (Worth Quotes) Whatever happens I have had these blissful, perfect moments and they are worth living for  (Worth Quotes) I wanted to convey the message to children that this life is worth living  (Worth Quotes) If a job isn’t worth dreaming about, it isn’t worth having  (Worth Quotes) You just keep going. Nothing that isn’t beautiful is worth slowing down for  (Worth Quotes) Love is the only path to anything worth doing, creating or pursuing  (Worth Quotes) With all due respect, I have nothing to prove about my worth to anyone  (Worth Quotes) The most delightful surprise in life is to suddenly recognise your own worth  (Worth Quotes) If it’s worth feeling bad about, it’s worthy of amnesia  (Worth Quotes) No one can break me down. I know my worth and its a beautiful thing  (Worth Quotes) A man’s worth can be judged through those who dislike him  (Worth Quotes) Nothing is worth your integrity. Not success, not money, not fame. Nothing  (Worth Quotes) Death is the price we pay for life, so make it worth it  (Worth Quotes) Thinking is trying to think the unthinkable: thinking the thinkable is not worth the effort  (Worth Quotes) The only thing worth having in an earthly existence is a sense of humor  (Worth Quotes) Only the impossible is worth doing  (Worth Quotes) One measurement is worth a thousand expert opinions  (Worth Quotes) A milligram of prevention is worth a kilogram of cure  (Worth Quotes) A picture’s worth a thousand words? A library card’s worth millions  (Worth Quotes) One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings  (Worth Quotes) Surround yourself with the right people, and realize your own worth  (Worth Quotes) I want people to know that the fight is worth it  (Worth Quotes) A designer without a sense of history is worth nothing  (Worth Quotes) If something is worth doing, it’s worth overdoing  (Worth Quotes) There is no shortcut to anyplace worth going  (Worth Quotes) Find something in your life worth fighting for  (Worth Quotes) A person worth envying is a person who doesn’t envy  (Worth Quotes) Anything worth doing always starts as a bad idea  (Worth Quotes)
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