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Worth Quotes

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There are certain things in ancient practices that are not worth adhering to  (Worth Quotes) Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else’s dreams?  (Worth Quotes) It is important to find worth in yourself  (Worth Quotes) When everything is worth money, then money is worth nothing  (Worth Quotes) A work of art is worth what someone will pay for it  (Worth Quotes) The end of life has its own nature, also worth our attention  (Worth Quotes) Your network is your net worth  (Worth Quotes) A revolution without dancing is not a revolution worth having  (Worth Quotes) Keep what is worth keeping and with the breath of kindness blow the rest away  (Worth Quotes) Race seems to me to be less and less a subject worth discussing  (Worth Quotes) Machination is worth more than force  (Worth Quotes) A passionate woman is worth the chaos  (Worth Quotes) The one thing worth living for is to keep one’s soul pure  (Worth Quotes) Cold and cunning come from the north: But cunning sans wisdom is nothing worth  (Worth Quotes) The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being  (Worth Quotes) A fool contributes nothing worth hearing and takes offense at everything  (Worth Quotes) That is gold which is worth gold  (Worth Quotes) It is a poor sport that is not worth a candle  (Worth Quotes) Every man who deserves to be famous knows it is not worth the trouble  (Worth Quotes) An artist’s flair is sometimes worth a scientist’s brains  (Worth Quotes) A farmer’s market is worth more than everything I’ve written  (Worth Quotes) Unexpressed good thoughts aren’t worth squat!  (Worth Quotes) Life is worth being lived, but not being discussed all the time  (Worth Quotes) Marriage ain’t easy but nothing that’s worth much ever is  (Worth Quotes) The most important question facing the planet is: Is it worth it?  (Worth Quotes) Nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort  (Worth Quotes) One bad general is worth two good ones  (Worth Quotes) Work hard at work worth doing  (Worth Quotes) Life is about creating and living experiences that are worth sharing  (Worth Quotes) Nothing worth having is easy to get  (Worth Quotes)
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