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Worth Quotes

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Everything is worth more when you have to earn it  (Worth Quotes) Nothing worth doing right is easy  (Worth Quotes) Who can estimate the wealth of worth caged in a little child?  (Worth Quotes) To me, only that which makes me wise is worth knowing  (Worth Quotes) Every story needs to be worth telling  (Worth Quotes) Success is not easy. But it is worth the price  (Worth Quotes) No policy is worth anything outside of reality  (Worth Quotes) Love requires sacrifice, but it’s worth it  (Worth Quotes) Immediate work, even poor, is worth more than dreams  (Worth Quotes) The mountains are beautiful but they are not worth dying for  (Worth Quotes) Learning is better worth than houses or land  (Worth Quotes) If character be irrecoverably lost, then indeed there will be nothing left worth saving  (Worth Quotes) Don’t be stingy with your paint, it isn’t worth it  (Worth Quotes) The only thing worth doing is what’s never been done before  (Worth Quotes) Life is meaningless, but worth living, provided you recognize it’s meaningless  (Worth Quotes) Religion would save a man; Christ would make him worth saving  (Worth Quotes) The value is in the worth, not in the number  (Worth Quotes) Only friendship which can stand occasional plain speaking is worth having  (Worth Quotes) A good word costs as little as a bad one, and is worth more  (Worth Quotes) A wedding in haste is worth two at leisure  (Worth Quotes) A little experience is worth much argument; a few facts are better than any theory  (Worth Quotes) He’s the kind of player that is worth the price of admission  (Worth Quotes) Time is not money. Time is worth way more than money  (Worth Quotes) The examined life is the only life worth living  (Worth Quotes) It’s what you’re worth  (Worth Quotes) The easier it is to quantify, the less it’s worth  (Worth Quotes) If nobody quotes you, you haven’t said a thing worth saying  (Worth Quotes) If you know where it’s going, it’s not worth doing  (Worth Quotes) Write something worth reading and your voice will be heard  (Worth Quotes) The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for  (Worth Quotes)
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