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Worth Quotes

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Very little worth knowing is taught by fear  (Worth Quotes) It was wrong. But it was worth it  (Worth Quotes) You are worth about 3 dollars worth in chemicals  (Worth Quotes) Love is worth the sum of itself, and nothing more  (Worth Quotes) Some things were worth the dance with danger  (Worth Quotes) I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it  (Worth Quotes) I’m sure I’m worth a lot more dead than alive  (Worth Quotes) A picture is worth a thousand texts  (Worth Quotes) It is only the sacred things that are worth touching  (Worth Quotes) Don’t choose me. I’m not worth your time  (Worth Quotes) Nothing worth while is every easy come by  (Worth Quotes) Problems worthy of attacks, prove their worth by hitting back  (Worth Quotes) Better say nothing at all. Language is worth a thousand pounds a word!  (Worth Quotes) Everything that’s worth having is some trouble…  (Worth Quotes) Details matter, it’s worth waiting to get it right  (Worth Quotes) There are some things in life that are worth fighting for to the end  (Worth Quotes) Worry not that no one knows you; seek to be worth knowing  (Worth Quotes) The world may need fixing, but it’s worth preserving  (Worth Quotes) If love is great, then it is worth fighting for  (Worth Quotes) It was love because it was worth it  (Worth Quotes) Pain is like fabric: The stronger it is, the more it’s worth  (Worth Quotes) A word is worth a thousand pictures  (Worth Quotes) A fully belly is little worth where the mind is starved  (Worth Quotes) Love is a lesson worth learning  (Worth Quotes) What worth was a man who could not be haunted?  (Worth Quotes) Happiness is the only goal worth pursuing  (Worth Quotes) An hour of your life is worth more than a thousand people to me  (Worth Quotes) There are some adventures not worth having  (Worth Quotes) Can you not understand that liberty is worth more than just ribbons?  (Worth Quotes) Anything worth knowing cannot be understood by the human mind  (Worth Quotes)
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