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Wot Quotes

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She knows wot’s wot, she does  (Wot Quotes) These earthly godfathers of heaven's lights, that give a name to every fixed star, have no more profit of their shining nights than those that walk and wot not what they are  (Wot Quotes) O man, little hast thou learnt of truth in things most true, and how therefore shall thy blindness wot of truth in things most fallen?  (Wot Quotes) Use correct grammar and punctuation. Do not use net speak, like WOT, W-O-T or U. Those messages get a lot lower reply rate  (Wot Quotes) Absoballylutely top hole, wot. A and B the C of D I’d say. . . Above and Beyond the Call of Duty  (Wot Quotes) It is possible to live well with dementia and write best-sellers ‘like wot I do  (Wot Quotes) Much ado there was, God wot; He woold love, and she woold not, She sayd, Never man was trewe; He sayes, None was false to you.  (Wot Quotes)